Sunday, April 10, 2011


I was searching for ideas for a blog post when I came across a prompt that read: 
Write about something you can't believe you used to like. 
That would be the Jonas Brothers. 

A few years ago I was honestly infatuated with Nick Jonas's beautiful curly hair.
I could sing every word of their nasally CD's.
Although you have to admit, some of their songs are pretty catchy, and it's fun to imitate their singing. (I actually think it's physically impossible for me to sing a Jonas Brother song without nasal.) 
You also have to admit that Burning up is a pretty entertaining music video, even though I have no idea what relation it has to the song. 

Another thing that seems weird that I used to like is Disney Channel Original Movies. I'm not talking about the Disney Movies like Aladdin, and Anastasia, those are classics. But the ones that are only played on TV such as Cow Bells, and Camp Rock, those just make me laugh. The stars of Cow Bells (Aly and AJ Michhalka) also make really awkward music videos:

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