In February, during fashion week, Barbie's 50th anniversary was celebrated with a Barbie Fashion show. You just have to see some of these outfits, they're pretty hilarious. I think one of the best experiences would have to be a fashion designer, because you can slap pretty much anything on someone, and people will clap and say "Oh isn't that lovely."
This is one of the outfits that best represents Barbie in my opinion. This is what all my Barbies' hair looked like when I was a kid after they were thrown in a bucket for awhile, although they were considerably more bald.
I don't think Barbie would wear this outfit, or make that face, Barbie smiles...all the time.
This is so Barbie!
My favorite part of the whole fashion show was the future Barbie look. This is because the designers decided to put a bunch of random plastic on the clothing. I guess in the future Barbie doesn't like cotton or polyester anymore!
My actual favorite part was when they let all the little girl walk down the catwalk with the big Barbies, I know if I was still a little girl that be the most exciting thing of my life!
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