I have recently spent a lot of time at the public library, because my AP Language and Composition teacher has been loading us with reading, and I'm going through books so fast, I can hardly keep up. Throughout my time at the library I have seen some very strange people.
Once I saw a mother and her son, who was about 15 I would say. He seemed to be using the computer to do a project, and she was looking at random things online while waiting for him to finish. He I was sitting next to her trying to browse the online library catalog for books by Susan Sontag, while she loudly complains about her financial troubles to her son. Her son seemed to be a little irritated about this, so he didn't say much to her. But still she kept talking, she loudly said how she was going to get a job... 'eventually.' Now that sounds like real motivation to me. (Sarcasm). At first I felt bad for her because she was having financial problems, but after I was sitting next to her, and smelling the stench of her last cigarette on her clothes, and the surrounding area, I didn't feel so bad. Who I really feel bad for is her son, who is obviously working hard on his school work, while his mother goes and blows all their money on cigarettes, and has no immediate intention to get a job. I'm just afraid that this boy will get caught in this cycle and not be able to end it.
The same day I saw a little gangster boy. He was about 10 or 11, white, dark blonde hair, and was obviously trying to rock the baggy rebel look. It was not working, the effect was somewhat comical. He was playing some sort of violent game on the computer, and listening to some terrible rap music, which I could clearly hear from his headphones. He kept looking around, self-consciously, as if to make sure it was know that he was only at the library because he wanted to play gangsta games on the computer while wearing his gangsta clothes and listenin' to gangsta music.
One day when I was walking into the library, a very large man was wandering around near the front. I'm not very good at judging height, but he was over 6 feet tall, that's all I can be sure of. He was a little chunky, but not obese, and he had these huge meaty hands, he looked really powerful. I walked in and had to walk past him so I said "excuse me" he seemed startled and a little scared of me, (I'm 5'4", just to let you know), he immediately reminded me of Lenny in Of Mice and Men, not like he had a mental illness, but he was just so large, and so much like a teddy bear. I watched him for awhile, he was really gentle with everything, and seemed to be easily scared by anything, a little boy ran past him, and he nearly jumped out of his boots.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Gift Overload
The Middle is one of the best shows on this planet. It portrays one of those families that just makes your family look so loving, and organized. Just recently I watched the Christmas episode. The family was trying to have a "simple christmas." Obviously the three kids were not very happy about that. An orange was what sparked this because during the great depression, most kids only received an orange for Christmas. I still get an orange and an apple every year from my great grandma every year for christmas, and this eplisode was a nice reminder of what those fruits represent.
Personally I don't think a simple christmas sounds that bad, our family has decided to stop exchanging gifts between our aunts and uncles, and cousins, because we just get too much stuff, and we don't have room for them. Gifts are way more appreciated if there are fewer of them. This year I've tried to buy things with a little more sentimental value.
I feel like as we've gotten older, my family has realized that there is so much more to Christmas than presents, it has now become a tradition to play charades with my very competitive family every year at one of my grandma's houses. At another we sing christmas carols and play in the snow.
I guess what I'm saying is that we can learn a lesson from TV. Okay maybe that's not what I'm saying, maybe I'm saying nothing, or saying everything, I don't really know. I was just kind of in a sentimental mood I guess, so you received my gushy christmas story.
Personally I don't think a simple christmas sounds that bad, our family has decided to stop exchanging gifts between our aunts and uncles, and cousins, because we just get too much stuff, and we don't have room for them. Gifts are way more appreciated if there are fewer of them. This year I've tried to buy things with a little more sentimental value.
I feel like as we've gotten older, my family has realized that there is so much more to Christmas than presents, it has now become a tradition to play charades with my very competitive family every year at one of my grandma's houses. At another we sing christmas carols and play in the snow.
I guess what I'm saying is that we can learn a lesson from TV. Okay maybe that's not what I'm saying, maybe I'm saying nothing, or saying everything, I don't really know. I was just kind of in a sentimental mood I guess, so you received my gushy christmas story.
blogger's block
This is terrible, I'm blocked. Plus it's sunday, and I have three blog posts due tomorrow. This is the kind of situation that makes me want to dress like a pirate and yell "Curse you, my unimaginative brain." So what I'm going to do is go on to Stumbleupon.com and blog about the first thing that comes up. No exceptions. So here goes:
Well this is quite interesting, it seems to be a furry ball. I'm actually not quite sure what it's supposed to be. Well, here look for yourself: Furry Ball. It reminds me of christmas.
Well that was a dud. Lets try again. Oooo Look, it came up with 5 life lessons I'm pretty sure I've received everyone of these in a chain e-mail. I don't know about you, but these always seem extremely fake to me. I've gotten into the habit of deleting almost anything that says Fwd: in the subject.
Some of the chain emails that annoy me the most are the religious ones that say something like "I'm sending this because I believe in Jesus" or the ones that say forwarding this will help some little child that has a terminal illness. How can an email possibly prove that you believe in Jesus or help a child recover from an illness. If you actually wanted to help you would go volunteer to help raise money for cancer research or something, and I honestly don't think Jesus will care if you waste your time forwarding an email or not. I'm sure there are more valuable things you could be doing with your time and Jesus would understand.
Which brings me to another web based topic. Many of you are familiar with facebook, and how recently it was a fad to change your profile picture to a cartoon character to 'stop child abuse.' Would anyone like to explain to me how that could possibly stop child abuse. A friend of mine said "Someone will be beating their child then see all the happy cartoon characters on facebook, and just stop." Yep, that will definitely work. I have blogged about domestic abuse before, and as I have already said, the best way to stop it, is to be on the lookout for the signs of it. If you know someone is being abused you have to tell someone. Some people get a false sense of doing a good deed by changing their facebook picture. They think, I've done my good deed for the week and I can be done now. No you're not done, you're never done. Good deeds should happen whenever necessary. I guess the one good thing about this facebook fad, is that domestic/child abuse is brought into more attention, and I plead everyone to be on the lookout for it, so we can actually stop it.
Well this is quite interesting, it seems to be a furry ball. I'm actually not quite sure what it's supposed to be. Well, here look for yourself: Furry Ball. It reminds me of christmas.
Well that was a dud. Lets try again. Oooo Look, it came up with 5 life lessons I'm pretty sure I've received everyone of these in a chain e-mail. I don't know about you, but these always seem extremely fake to me. I've gotten into the habit of deleting almost anything that says Fwd: in the subject.
Some of the chain emails that annoy me the most are the religious ones that say something like "I'm sending this because I believe in Jesus" or the ones that say forwarding this will help some little child that has a terminal illness. How can an email possibly prove that you believe in Jesus or help a child recover from an illness. If you actually wanted to help you would go volunteer to help raise money for cancer research or something, and I honestly don't think Jesus will care if you waste your time forwarding an email or not. I'm sure there are more valuable things you could be doing with your time and Jesus would understand.
Which brings me to another web based topic. Many of you are familiar with facebook, and how recently it was a fad to change your profile picture to a cartoon character to 'stop child abuse.' Would anyone like to explain to me how that could possibly stop child abuse. A friend of mine said "Someone will be beating their child then see all the happy cartoon characters on facebook, and just stop." Yep, that will definitely work. I have blogged about domestic abuse before, and as I have already said, the best way to stop it, is to be on the lookout for the signs of it. If you know someone is being abused you have to tell someone. Some people get a false sense of doing a good deed by changing their facebook picture. They think, I've done my good deed for the week and I can be done now. No you're not done, you're never done. Good deeds should happen whenever necessary. I guess the one good thing about this facebook fad, is that domestic/child abuse is brought into more attention, and I plead everyone to be on the lookout for it, so we can actually stop it.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Yet to be titled
Since about 7th grade, a few of my friends have been writing novels, mostly they were inside jokes, that made no sense to anyone else, but they made us laugh. Occasionally, we would write a novel that actually had some potential.
One day we were reminiscing about our novel writing days, and one of my friends suggested I start writing a novel again. Since then I have started three, but I haven't got far (I can't decide if it's because I'm too busy, or just lazy.) Anyway, I'm going to share with you the first chapter of one of those novels. I find it sort of funny, but I have a weird sense of humor, so you'll probably just think I'm weird, but here it is:
“Excuse me,” Mrs. Harold said, “Sir we are holding a class.” The figure visibly tensed but continued to walk towards the stage. He stopped in front of the stage and looked up at me. I could now see his face, it was beautiful and dark. I let out a small gasp, I looked into his deep brown eyes, I couldn’t look away, he was scary. Mrs. Harold stood up and walked closer to the stage. “Noel, do you know this man?” Before I could answer the beautiful man quickly turned around, and looked Mrs. Harold in the eye, she seemed to have a reaction similar to mine, her face softened, and she seemed to forget what she was asking.
“No she doesn’t know me,” the beautiful man said. “My name is Benjamin O’Donnell, I work with her father I have been instructed to pick her up, there has been an accident at work. I have a note.” he handed her a folded sheet of paper, and she glanced at it, and said “very well.”
My mind was racing, my father owned a very small business, and all his employee’s were like family. This man was definitely not one of them. The man turned back to me, and those deep penetrating eyes began to bore into me. Mrs. Harold said “You may leave, Noel, and finish your presentation some other time, I will inform the main office that you have left.” I stepped down from the stage, make a split decision to leave with this man I have never met, I lifted my backpack, but the man grabbed it from me and slung it over his shoulder and started back up the aisle, I followed. Someone lifted the lights in the auditorium, and the beautiful mans face was revealed to the class, a low rumble of whispers erupted throughout the auditorium.
When we burst into the light of the cafeteria, we headed to the north entrance. Just before exiting I stopped him, “Who are you really?” I demanded. He looked around, “I can’t tell you here, wait until we’re somewhere safe.” he turned and headed out the door. It sounds crazy, but I followed him, something about him told me it was okay. Once outside he led me in the direction of some low income houses across the street from my high school. We passed through a few houses, stopping at each one for the beautiful man to gaze at each intensely, then move on. At the sixth house he walked up the steps and opened the door.
“You live here?” I asked.
“The owners just left the door unlocked”
“No, I unlocked it, just go in” he said, I complied. We walked into a cramped living room with children’s toys littering the ground.
“Now who are you.”
“Just wait,” the beautiful man said. He flicked his wrist in a movement so subtle I almost missed it. His face changed, seeming much younger. It still held all the intensity, but the seriousness was gone, in it’s place was purity and jubilance. The beautiful boy smiled at me, and I felt safer than I ever had in my entire life.
“I am Mecha,” he said.
“Noel,” I said sticking my hand out to shake. He took my hand, and was about to say something but was stopped by the sound of a door handle turning.
“Hmmm” said a voice, “I remember locking this door.” I gasped. Mecha grabbed my arm and we raced to the kitchen of the small house.
“There’s an attic,” Mecha said looking up, the ceiling was low, so he was able to reach the attic chain easily and pulled the trap door open. He leaped and pulled himself up into the small space.
“I can’t do that,” I glanced around nervously, I could still here the voice from outside. Mecha leaned his torso out of the opening using his legs to brace himself, grabbing me and pulling me through the opening. I expected to feel the ceiling scrap my torso as he pulled me through, but I felt nothing.
“How did you do that.” I asked.
“Strength” he shrugged. With the agility of a cat he slinked through the dark cramped attic. There was a dusty window at the end of a narrow passage. Mecha opened it and started to shimmy out. I peered down, “You’re not going to jump out,” I said.
“Dabigeta, will protect me.” he replied, and jumped, I heard a soft thud, “Now you” he said. I hesitated but once again I had the feeling that everything was going to be okay. I jumped, and a fell lightly onto a waiting Mecha. He set me down gently.
I wasn’t sure why he took me to that house, and I never really found out, but one important thing I learned is that there was something special about Mecha.
“Now I can explain this all to you, follow me.” Mecha said. A few minutes later Mecha and I arrived at a small café downtown. We picked a small table in the corner.
“I am here to inform you of your Tiyeta.” Mecha said
“My what?”
“Your Tiyeta, your powers in other words.” I raised my eyebrows as Mecha said this but didn’t challenge him, I had that strange feeling again, it was telling me that he wasn’t making this up.
“There are thirteen Tiyeta’s,” he continued, “The first four are English words, because they are easiest to discover, and the last nine are from ancient times, when the original Tiyeta holders were around.”
“But I don’t have any powers.” I protested.
“Yes you do, you have the first power, intuition, which is what made you trust me blindly. You may have others but it is too soon to tell, I must take you to Ipenya to train you. “
“I don’t know where Ipenya is, but I can’t just up and leave school.” I said
“We will make plans and spend the weekend there, you do not need to worry, I’ll take care of it. But now I must get back to informing you of the thirteen powers. The four that are easiest to obtain are intuition, strength, levitation, and speed. The nine others are twat, bahawi, tagilo, cadeyie, firo, dabigeta, mesera, arova, and ceranes.” I looked at him blankly as he rolled off these strange words.
“I know,” he said, “it seems strange, but I will teach you what the mean. Let’s go to the park, and I’ll show you how to you them.” I began to get up but he held up a hand and said, “we’ll use the bahawi” I sat back down, “Bahawi is teleportation basically, but it is not good for quick escapes, as you will see in a few moments.” He held out his hand and I placed mine in it, he closed his eyes, I watched him, it was almost two minutes before anything happened. Without warning we were sitting at a picnic table in the same position we were in at the café. Mecha smiled at my expression, and released my hand.
“Now I can show you all the powers that I possess, I have 9 of the powers, which is a lofty number, if I do say so, most can only develop the four core powers.” I nodded, wondering if I should be impressed by this.
“My favorite power is tagilo,” Mecha said, “which is the power to communicate through your mind. I can send messages to any person I wish, everyone can receive them, even regular humans, and animals, but only those possessing tagilo can send them.”
“Send me one!” I said excitedly, he nodded, and not even a second later I had a weird sensation in the back of my head, I could hear it as clear as my own thoughts and I could see the words in front of me, ‘You are much to excited’ it said. ‘Well I don’t like your voice in my head,’ I thought. I could also see this typed out in front of me. A second later Mecha was looking at me astonished.
“You’ve got the tagilo!” he said, “I never seen someone pick it up so quickly.” I have to admit I was quite pleased.
“You should know something else,” Mecha said, “If you send Tagilo to regular humans, some react by saying what you sent out loud.”
“Show me,” I said. Mecha pondered for a moment that pointed to a tall blond girl who was talking to a rather buff looking guy. The blond girl suddenly said “Mecha is sexy,” the guy she was with gave her a strange look, and I could see he was a little upset by this statement. I hit Mecha across the arm. He smirked.
“What other Tiyeta’s do you have,” I asked.
“ I have bahawi, which you’ve already seen, and twat, which I used in the house outside you school. Twat is face changing.” he said.
“If you can…. Twat.. How do I know what you really look like.”
“This is my real face,” he said.
“I am not,” he said, “I promise, you can only twat for 6 hours at a time. More if you are masterful. Some are really good, Vendetta can twat for 18 hours at a time, I have never seen her real face, no one has. She locks her chamber every night to prevent it anyone from seeing.”
“Who is Vendetta?”
“She is prophesied to be the most powerful Tiyeta holder, there is ledged that the one who masters all thirteen powers will open a new era for the Tiyeta holders. She has mastered 12 of the thirteen, the only one she has left is cadeyie, or nature manipulation, which I do not have.”
“Wow” I said, “What else do you have? That was only seven.”
“I’m afraid you have to go,” Mecha said, “you’re parents will wonder if you don’t come home from school. I will contact you when I can teach you of the rest. Take my hand and we can bahawi away.” I did so and after the same awkward two minutes I ended up on my front steps, Mecha waved, and took of in an incredibly fast sprint.
So there you go, my rough draft, any suggestions, post a groovie!
One day we were reminiscing about our novel writing days, and one of my friends suggested I start writing a novel again. Since then I have started three, but I haven't got far (I can't decide if it's because I'm too busy, or just lazy.) Anyway, I'm going to share with you the first chapter of one of those novels. I find it sort of funny, but I have a weird sense of humor, so you'll probably just think I'm weird, but here it is:
Noel- Monday Afternoon classes
It was a Monday in my theater class, it was my turn to take the stage, I had prepared a brief monologue, which I thought would be a home run for my grade. The lights dimmed in the auditorium, a single beam of light on me, with a dramatic flourish of my hand I began. I told the story of a drunken mans woes. My classmates were in stitches, and right when I was about to perform the bit where the drunken man finds his true love, a figure loudly bursts into the auditorium, casting light down the aisles, illuminating the faces of the people in the crowd. The figure remained only a silhouette as it walked slowly down the aisle.“Excuse me,” Mrs. Harold said, “Sir we are holding a class.” The figure visibly tensed but continued to walk towards the stage. He stopped in front of the stage and looked up at me. I could now see his face, it was beautiful and dark. I let out a small gasp, I looked into his deep brown eyes, I couldn’t look away, he was scary. Mrs. Harold stood up and walked closer to the stage. “Noel, do you know this man?” Before I could answer the beautiful man quickly turned around, and looked Mrs. Harold in the eye, she seemed to have a reaction similar to mine, her face softened, and she seemed to forget what she was asking.
“No she doesn’t know me,” the beautiful man said. “My name is Benjamin O’Donnell, I work with her father I have been instructed to pick her up, there has been an accident at work. I have a note.” he handed her a folded sheet of paper, and she glanced at it, and said “very well.”
My mind was racing, my father owned a very small business, and all his employee’s were like family. This man was definitely not one of them. The man turned back to me, and those deep penetrating eyes began to bore into me. Mrs. Harold said “You may leave, Noel, and finish your presentation some other time, I will inform the main office that you have left.” I stepped down from the stage, make a split decision to leave with this man I have never met, I lifted my backpack, but the man grabbed it from me and slung it over his shoulder and started back up the aisle, I followed. Someone lifted the lights in the auditorium, and the beautiful mans face was revealed to the class, a low rumble of whispers erupted throughout the auditorium.
When we burst into the light of the cafeteria, we headed to the north entrance. Just before exiting I stopped him, “Who are you really?” I demanded. He looked around, “I can’t tell you here, wait until we’re somewhere safe.” he turned and headed out the door. It sounds crazy, but I followed him, something about him told me it was okay. Once outside he led me in the direction of some low income houses across the street from my high school. We passed through a few houses, stopping at each one for the beautiful man to gaze at each intensely, then move on. At the sixth house he walked up the steps and opened the door.
“You live here?” I asked.
“The owners just left the door unlocked”
“No, I unlocked it, just go in” he said, I complied. We walked into a cramped living room with children’s toys littering the ground.
“Now who are you.”
“Just wait,” the beautiful man said. He flicked his wrist in a movement so subtle I almost missed it. His face changed, seeming much younger. It still held all the intensity, but the seriousness was gone, in it’s place was purity and jubilance. The beautiful boy smiled at me, and I felt safer than I ever had in my entire life.
“I am Mecha,” he said.
“Noel,” I said sticking my hand out to shake. He took my hand, and was about to say something but was stopped by the sound of a door handle turning.
“Hmmm” said a voice, “I remember locking this door.” I gasped. Mecha grabbed my arm and we raced to the kitchen of the small house.
“There’s an attic,” Mecha said looking up, the ceiling was low, so he was able to reach the attic chain easily and pulled the trap door open. He leaped and pulled himself up into the small space.
“I can’t do that,” I glanced around nervously, I could still here the voice from outside. Mecha leaned his torso out of the opening using his legs to brace himself, grabbing me and pulling me through the opening. I expected to feel the ceiling scrap my torso as he pulled me through, but I felt nothing.
“How did you do that.” I asked.
“Strength” he shrugged. With the agility of a cat he slinked through the dark cramped attic. There was a dusty window at the end of a narrow passage. Mecha opened it and started to shimmy out. I peered down, “You’re not going to jump out,” I said.
“Dabigeta, will protect me.” he replied, and jumped, I heard a soft thud, “Now you” he said. I hesitated but once again I had the feeling that everything was going to be okay. I jumped, and a fell lightly onto a waiting Mecha. He set me down gently.
I wasn’t sure why he took me to that house, and I never really found out, but one important thing I learned is that there was something special about Mecha.
“Now I can explain this all to you, follow me.” Mecha said. A few minutes later Mecha and I arrived at a small café downtown. We picked a small table in the corner.
“I am here to inform you of your Tiyeta.” Mecha said
“My what?”
“Your Tiyeta, your powers in other words.” I raised my eyebrows as Mecha said this but didn’t challenge him, I had that strange feeling again, it was telling me that he wasn’t making this up.
“There are thirteen Tiyeta’s,” he continued, “The first four are English words, because they are easiest to discover, and the last nine are from ancient times, when the original Tiyeta holders were around.”
“But I don’t have any powers.” I protested.
“Yes you do, you have the first power, intuition, which is what made you trust me blindly. You may have others but it is too soon to tell, I must take you to Ipenya to train you. “
“I don’t know where Ipenya is, but I can’t just up and leave school.” I said
“We will make plans and spend the weekend there, you do not need to worry, I’ll take care of it. But now I must get back to informing you of the thirteen powers. The four that are easiest to obtain are intuition, strength, levitation, and speed. The nine others are twat, bahawi, tagilo, cadeyie, firo, dabigeta, mesera, arova, and ceranes.” I looked at him blankly as he rolled off these strange words.
“I know,” he said, “it seems strange, but I will teach you what the mean. Let’s go to the park, and I’ll show you how to you them.” I began to get up but he held up a hand and said, “we’ll use the bahawi” I sat back down, “Bahawi is teleportation basically, but it is not good for quick escapes, as you will see in a few moments.” He held out his hand and I placed mine in it, he closed his eyes, I watched him, it was almost two minutes before anything happened. Without warning we were sitting at a picnic table in the same position we were in at the café. Mecha smiled at my expression, and released my hand.
“Now I can show you all the powers that I possess, I have 9 of the powers, which is a lofty number, if I do say so, most can only develop the four core powers.” I nodded, wondering if I should be impressed by this.
“My favorite power is tagilo,” Mecha said, “which is the power to communicate through your mind. I can send messages to any person I wish, everyone can receive them, even regular humans, and animals, but only those possessing tagilo can send them.”
“Send me one!” I said excitedly, he nodded, and not even a second later I had a weird sensation in the back of my head, I could hear it as clear as my own thoughts and I could see the words in front of me, ‘You are much to excited’ it said. ‘Well I don’t like your voice in my head,’ I thought. I could also see this typed out in front of me. A second later Mecha was looking at me astonished.
“You’ve got the tagilo!” he said, “I never seen someone pick it up so quickly.” I have to admit I was quite pleased.
“You should know something else,” Mecha said, “If you send Tagilo to regular humans, some react by saying what you sent out loud.”
“Show me,” I said. Mecha pondered for a moment that pointed to a tall blond girl who was talking to a rather buff looking guy. The blond girl suddenly said “Mecha is sexy,” the guy she was with gave her a strange look, and I could see he was a little upset by this statement. I hit Mecha across the arm. He smirked.
“What other Tiyeta’s do you have,” I asked.
“ I have bahawi, which you’ve already seen, and twat, which I used in the house outside you school. Twat is face changing.” he said.
“If you can…. Twat.. How do I know what you really look like.”
“This is my real face,” he said.
“I am not,” he said, “I promise, you can only twat for 6 hours at a time. More if you are masterful. Some are really good, Vendetta can twat for 18 hours at a time, I have never seen her real face, no one has. She locks her chamber every night to prevent it anyone from seeing.”
“Who is Vendetta?”
“She is prophesied to be the most powerful Tiyeta holder, there is ledged that the one who masters all thirteen powers will open a new era for the Tiyeta holders. She has mastered 12 of the thirteen, the only one she has left is cadeyie, or nature manipulation, which I do not have.”
“Wow” I said, “What else do you have? That was only seven.”
“I’m afraid you have to go,” Mecha said, “you’re parents will wonder if you don’t come home from school. I will contact you when I can teach you of the rest. Take my hand and we can bahawi away.” I did so and after the same awkward two minutes I ended up on my front steps, Mecha waved, and took of in an incredibly fast sprint.
So there you go, my rough draft, any suggestions, post a groovie!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Weight Loss Drugs
The FDA has just reviewed and endorsed a new weight loss drug, entitled Contrave. It was voted 13-7 that the benefits outweigh the blood pressure risk. Being a strong advocate of healthy living, I heartily suggest that no one takes this weight loss supplement, or any weight loss supplement. The fact that only 65% of the panel voted it through should be an indication to you that the drug could be dangerous. High Blood pressure is linked to damage in your arteries, kidneys, heart, and brain. According to the mayoclinic high blood pressure can damage your organs for years without you realizing it.
Chances are, if you are overweight and considering a weight loss pill, you already have high blood pressure, and this medication will raise it further. Creating a greater risk for heart attack or stroke. Yep, you may get slightly thinner, so you'll look a little better in your casket (but not much, because you're dead, and most likely still really fat).
Contrave also contains an anti-depressant, which are proven to have the following side effects:
Dry mouth
Urinary retention
Blurred vision
Sedation (can interfere with driving or operating machinery)
Sleep disruption
Weight gain
Gastrointestinal disturbance/diarrhea
Abdominal pain
Inability to achieve an erection
Inability to achieve an orgasm (men and women)
Loss of libido
So you may lose weight, but you will not be able to enjoy it, because you're anxious and constipated. You can't sleep, you're a dangerous driver.
Also I would also like to point out that one of the effects is weight gain... yes that totally makes sense...
Basically what all this research amounts to is this medication is going to make you feel like crap, and you're not going to get any thinner, and you will be very disappointed, because you got your hopes up, and finally thought you were going to feel good about yourself.
Well, I'm sorry, but there is no easy way to feel good about yourself. Even the skinniest people have grievances with themselves. If you want results you're going to have to do it the old fashioned way. Healthy Eating, and Physical Activity. This isn't going to happen right away, so my suggestion to you, is to be confident with yourself right now. The truth is, everyone is so caught up in there own self image that they won't notice that you have a little extra pudge.
I'm not telling you to lose weight, I'm telling you to live healthily, and if it's meant to be, the weight loss will follow. Living healthy is not that hard if you do it the right way. I always eat things I like, eating healthy doesn't have to mean eating gross things. I'm not going to get into specific things you can eat right now, but one of these days I put some of my favorite recipes on here.
Physical activity doesn't mean spending long hours in the gym either (although that can be very fun and rewarding). My favorite exercise is playing the Wii. A lot of people who haven't tried it don't think it's that great of a work out, but it is, it really is. I am a very excitable person, so I get really into the games. Boxing on Wii Sports is a great way to get your heart rate up. You even get a little more exercise when you do a happy dance when you win against your grandma (who has beaten everyone else, I might add), so you become the grand champion of boxing. Wario smooth moves is another great way to get your heart rate up. There are a bunch of random tasks for you to do, and they keep going faster and faster, which increases the sense of urgency and makes you work so much harder. The best game ever is Just Dance, this is truly a workout, (I'm also the grand champion at this game), it's also pretty hilarious, so while you're letting someone else have a turn, you can work out your abs from all the laughing you're doing.
I guess the point of my Wii stories, is that working out (and getting healthy) is more fun with other people. You could have a dance party, or play football, or Spud (a more strategic version of dodge ball), and it won't even feel like a work out. All these activities you need other people to do (okay, maybe you can have you're own personal dance party) so spread the health around and work it out! Yay. Just thinking about it pumps me up. You know what else? Spending time with your friends in a productive, fun way can also combat some of that depression you're feeling over being fat.
You are now the proud owner of the knowledge that will make you a happy person. Health, friends, family, and confidence. I bet you never thought it was that easy.
Chances are, if you are overweight and considering a weight loss pill, you already have high blood pressure, and this medication will raise it further. Creating a greater risk for heart attack or stroke. Yep, you may get slightly thinner, so you'll look a little better in your casket (but not much, because you're dead, and most likely still really fat).
Contrave also contains an anti-depressant, which are proven to have the following side effects:
So you may lose weight, but you will not be able to enjoy it, because you're anxious and constipated. You can't sleep, you're a dangerous driver.
Also I would also like to point out that one of the effects is weight gain... yes that totally makes sense...
Basically what all this research amounts to is this medication is going to make you feel like crap, and you're not going to get any thinner, and you will be very disappointed, because you got your hopes up, and finally thought you were going to feel good about yourself.
Well, I'm sorry, but there is no easy way to feel good about yourself. Even the skinniest people have grievances with themselves. If you want results you're going to have to do it the old fashioned way. Healthy Eating, and Physical Activity. This isn't going to happen right away, so my suggestion to you, is to be confident with yourself right now. The truth is, everyone is so caught up in there own self image that they won't notice that you have a little extra pudge.
I'm not telling you to lose weight, I'm telling you to live healthily, and if it's meant to be, the weight loss will follow. Living healthy is not that hard if you do it the right way. I always eat things I like, eating healthy doesn't have to mean eating gross things. I'm not going to get into specific things you can eat right now, but one of these days I put some of my favorite recipes on here.
Physical activity doesn't mean spending long hours in the gym either (although that can be very fun and rewarding). My favorite exercise is playing the Wii. A lot of people who haven't tried it don't think it's that great of a work out, but it is, it really is. I am a very excitable person, so I get really into the games. Boxing on Wii Sports is a great way to get your heart rate up. You even get a little more exercise when you do a happy dance when you win against your grandma (who has beaten everyone else, I might add), so you become the grand champion of boxing. Wario smooth moves is another great way to get your heart rate up. There are a bunch of random tasks for you to do, and they keep going faster and faster, which increases the sense of urgency and makes you work so much harder. The best game ever is Just Dance, this is truly a workout, (I'm also the grand champion at this game), it's also pretty hilarious, so while you're letting someone else have a turn, you can work out your abs from all the laughing you're doing.
I guess the point of my Wii stories, is that working out (and getting healthy) is more fun with other people. You could have a dance party, or play football, or Spud (a more strategic version of dodge ball), and it won't even feel like a work out. All these activities you need other people to do (okay, maybe you can have you're own personal dance party) so spread the health around and work it out! Yay. Just thinking about it pumps me up. You know what else? Spending time with your friends in a productive, fun way can also combat some of that depression you're feeling over being fat.
You are now the proud owner of the knowledge that will make you a happy person. Health, friends, family, and confidence. I bet you never thought it was that easy.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Microsoft Paint
I have recently been enthralled by the Blog Hyperbole and a Half it's author to uses a series of pictures drawn on Microsoft Paint to supplement her hilarious stories. They are so beautifully done, that it's hard to believe she did them on the computer.
A friend of mine, inspired by this blog also uses Microsoft paint to make amazing pictures on her blog. This friend is an amazing artist anyway, but I am so much more amazed with her talents now that I have seen what see can produce.
So one day, out of sheer boredom I decided to try my hand at drawing on Microsoft Paint. It did not turn out so well. I'm not sure what I excepted. I can't even draw a dang bunny. For my first attempt I tried to draw a little boy, but it soon turned out to be a creepy smiling llama.
A friend of mine, inspired by this blog also uses Microsoft paint to make amazing pictures on her blog. This friend is an amazing artist anyway, but I am so much more amazed with her talents now that I have seen what see can produce.
So one day, out of sheer boredom I decided to try my hand at drawing on Microsoft Paint. It did not turn out so well. I'm not sure what I excepted. I can't even draw a dang bunny. For my first attempt I tried to draw a little boy, but it soon turned out to be a creepy smiling llama.
Okay, so it really doesn't look that much like a Llama, but that was the closest thing I could think of. So I thought, maybe I'll try some abstract drawing, and see how it turns out. So I randomly scribbled all over the page then used the paint bucket to fill in all the little spots with different colors. Pretty soon a huge blob was forming in the middle. I thought "Gee that blob looks an awful lot like a dino-skunk" So thus the following was produced:
So I made a third attempt. Now I know what you are thinking, "Weren't the first two attempts terrible enough for you to stop trying." Yes, but for some reason I tried a final time. I think it was the best attempt so far. It's entitled "Fat Kid on a Trampoline. "
So there you have it. That is the extent of my artistic ability. Feel free to make fun of me all you like. Or you may send me cards of sympathy for the death of my artistic ability.
Christmas Baking Day and Obesity
It's that time of of year again. The time of year where I get fat. Not really, the New York Times says that the average person only gains a single pound during the holidays. Personally I don't see how this pans out. Today marks the beginning of the multitude of Christmas cookies and treats I will eat this winter season. Yes it's Christmas Baking Day. Every year my whole family gathers at my house to share a day of baking and eating (but mostly eating). It's starts around eight O'clock every year on a Saturday, and lasts until the afternoon. We spend hours sorting and packing the goodies to send to everyone's houses (my mother doesn't like to have to many sweets in our house).
Following the baking we do Christmas Carols, badly sung, then play games as a family. (This year we played Scriblish)
Anyway, I'm not just telling you this because I want to tell you a mushy story about how much I love my family. I'd rather address the overeating that the holidays allow.
According to the New York Times people rarely lose the pound that they gain during the holidays. That single pound can plague you for the rest of your life. I'm not saying that gaining weight is bad. Gaining weight from muscle, or growing, or maturing is perfectly okay, but gaining weight from eating too much can be fatal. If that one pound goes to your butt or thighs you have extra weight to carry that can ruin your joints, but you are far better off having a little bit bigger booty that having the weight collect in your chest or stomach. That extra weight surrounds your organs, basically suffocating them. Your heart and lungs have to work double time just when you're sitting on the couch when you're overweight.
Now you may be saying, that's a lot of talk for just one pound, but it's been proven by a study done by the University of Oklahoma that if you are already overweight you will gain more weight during the holidays than an average person. So basically every year you will gain more weight than the year before, causing you to spiral towards obesity.
Gaining weight during the holidays also makes you more likely to gain weight the rest of the year. Sugary and fatty foods are very addictive. A study done by the Scripps Research Institute fat and sugar prove to be as addictive as cocaine. I personally find this a little extreme, but not completely untrue. We've all spent a day eating sugar and continually looking for something else to eat, even though we're not hungry, we just need to fill our craving. The reason I think comparing it to cocaine is a little extreme, is because overeating is so much easier to stop doing than cocaine. After holidays my families always do a week where we don't eat any sweets, it's so much easier to get back on track that way. I always wonder why I eat sweets in the first place because they make me feel slow and gross, I usually can't wait for the holidays to be over so I can eat some real food.
My suggestion to you this holiday is to eat what you want, but between every treat eat something filling and healthy but you like. Such as your favorite fresh fruit (mine are mangos) or vegetable (can't go wrong with carrots). Your body with thank you, as well as your mind, and self-esteem.
Most of all use the holidays to spend some quality time with your family. Play a board game that keeps you awake and laughing, or go for a walk, or play football in the yard. The family experience is so much better when you're all not about asleep on the couch.
Friday, December 3, 2010
The Boy Who Never Smiles
I guess I shouldn't say he's never smiled, he smiled once, but it wasn't a friendly smile.
It seems to me this boy leads a very miserable life, he's not that attractive, doesn't have much of a personality, is condescending, and yet I still try to find the good in him. I search and search, but all I find is that he is smart, I mean really smart, so smart that he isn't able to hold a normal conversation with a girl who is just trying to be friendly.
Since I have met him, I have been determined to make him smile. When I pass him in the hallway I wave frantically with a huge smile plastered on my face, surly the pure image of me waving my arms like a maniac would make him smile, or the equally maniac smile would produce a chuckle. Nope. Nothing. He makes eye contact, and I relax into a normal smile, but he looks down and his frown hardens further. I was beginning to think my insane waving was creeping him out, (it's possible, I would imagine I look deranged), but it doesn't seem to be the case.
Just a smile and a hello, doesn't seem to work either, he makes eye contact and looks down, not returning my salutation. I have tried flattering him, by asking him for help, and telling him how smart he is. But it's seems to him that I'm stating the obvious. Almost like the fact that he's alive makes it redundant to point out he is intelligent. At this point I'm thinking that this boy doesn't deserve to smile, he's so condescending and infuriating that he could be miserable the rest of his life and it wouldn't bother me. Except it does. For some reason I need to believe that everyone has the potential to be a functioning, pleasant member of society.
I need to make a plan, this boy needs to smile. This will happen. Maybe I should find some corny jokes to tell him. How about:
It seems to me this boy leads a very miserable life, he's not that attractive, doesn't have much of a personality, is condescending, and yet I still try to find the good in him. I search and search, but all I find is that he is smart, I mean really smart, so smart that he isn't able to hold a normal conversation with a girl who is just trying to be friendly.
Since I have met him, I have been determined to make him smile. When I pass him in the hallway I wave frantically with a huge smile plastered on my face, surly the pure image of me waving my arms like a maniac would make him smile, or the equally maniac smile would produce a chuckle. Nope. Nothing. He makes eye contact, and I relax into a normal smile, but he looks down and his frown hardens further. I was beginning to think my insane waving was creeping him out, (it's possible, I would imagine I look deranged), but it doesn't seem to be the case.
Just a smile and a hello, doesn't seem to work either, he makes eye contact and looks down, not returning my salutation. I have tried flattering him, by asking him for help, and telling him how smart he is. But it's seems to him that I'm stating the obvious. Almost like the fact that he's alive makes it redundant to point out he is intelligent. At this point I'm thinking that this boy doesn't deserve to smile, he's so condescending and infuriating that he could be miserable the rest of his life and it wouldn't bother me. Except it does. For some reason I need to believe that everyone has the potential to be a functioning, pleasant member of society.
I need to make a plan, this boy needs to smile. This will happen. Maybe I should find some corny jokes to tell him. How about:
What kind of shoes are made from bananas?
What's Gray and not here?
An elephant
Why is 8 afraid of 7?
Because 7 8 9
Call me a cab!
Okay, You're a cab.
Some how I doubt that these will make him smile, he may look at me like I'm an idiot, but hey it's worth a shot. Maybe I will leave pictures of small furry animals at his desk. Who wouldn't smile at those.
I can see it now. He can't even sit down at the shear volume of cute rabit pictures all over his chair. Then just as he finally sits down I will carry in a baby rabit that is so fat and fluffy that he can't contain his smile any longer. He will run into the arms of the bunny and eskimo kiss it's little nose. My heart is just melting thinking about all the love he would have for the little fluffy bunny.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Neil Patrick Harris and partner David Burtka's Twins have finally arrived!
Niel says “All of us are happy, healthy, tired, and a little pukey."
I personally love Neil Patrick Harris, I watch him all the time on How I Met Your Mother and I about died when he guest starred on Glee!
The couple hired a surrogate to produce there twins (a boy and a girl), I just can't wait to see pictures! I'm sure they're adorable little babies.
Co-star Alyson Hannigan says that Neil is great with her child and thinks that the couple will be great parents. It's always nice to hear about something good in the news!
Some people will debate whether it is right for children to have two dads, but I think as long as the child has two loving parents they are set for life.
Niel says “All of us are happy, healthy, tired, and a little pukey."
I personally love Neil Patrick Harris, I watch him all the time on How I Met Your Mother and I about died when he guest starred on Glee!
The couple hired a surrogate to produce there twins (a boy and a girl), I just can't wait to see pictures! I'm sure they're adorable little babies.
Co-star Alyson Hannigan says that Neil is great with her child and thinks that the couple will be great parents. It's always nice to hear about something good in the news!
Some people will debate whether it is right for children to have two dads, but I think as long as the child has two loving parents they are set for life.
Justin Bieber charged for assault?
As hilarious as I think this is, I think the grounds for calling the police are completely uncalled for. According to the Vancouver Sun Justin Bieber was playing laser-tag with a group of kids and hit a 12 year old boy. The hit was most likely an accident, there are always risks in playing laser-tag. I mean the room is pretty dark with occasional flashing lights, it would be pretty easy to accidentally hit someone. The 12 year old boy needed no medical attention, and showed no bruises or cuts, there was virtually no evidence that it happened. Justin stuck around to explain to the parents of the boy what happened, but they decided to call the police. I think that it is a horribly selfish seek for attention. They are just making themselves look like idiots.
If you want to read a little more about it here is the article from Vancouver sun:
I would also like to share with you some comments left by readers:
"oh come on the game is played in the dark. And it begins — for the rest of his life, people will be trying to get some of his money"
"LOL but seriously it was probably an accident and the parents are just trying to getquick cash"
"It’s LASER TAG. Anything goes as long as you don’t pull out an actual weapon"
I'm not a fan of Justin Bieber but i feel for him, people need to think about the repercussions
on others before they do things.
There is also two more comments I'd like to share with you:
If you want to read a little more about it here is the article from Vancouver sun:
I would also like to share with you some comments left by readers:
"oh come on the game is played in the dark. And it begins — for the rest of his life, people will be trying to get some of his money"
"LOL but seriously it was probably an accident and the parents are just trying to get
Alia "
"Cougar spam on a Bieber post: creepy, hilarious, or both?"
I just thought it was kinda funny, that a woman is so desperate that she had to post that
comment on a Justin Bieber article. Some people are just pathetic.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Patsy Cline
A few weeks ago I was shopping for my mother's birthday, and I was browsing though the music. I wasn't paying much attention, because most of the music would be too 'hard' for my mother. But suddenly I was stopped dead in my tracks, and in front of me, almost like a beacon of light in a storm, was a Patsy Cline CD. Annoying cliches aside I was ecstatic to find something that I was pretty sure my mother would like. Normally I would be her some clothing and hope it fits. But this was perfect. My grandma always sings Patsy Cline songs, especially Crazy. My mom really likes the CD, right now I can hear her reading some of the information about Patsy's life to my dad off the inside of the CD, and earlier she was dancing around the kitchen singing to the CD.
One of the really great things about Patsy Cline is her classic voice. It's so smooth, and it's a type of country that doesn't annoy the poop out of me. I actually really like it. It has a simple band, with the bass and drums being the most prominent instruments.
I think I'm the favorite daughter now :)
One of the really great things about Patsy Cline is her classic voice. It's so smooth, and it's a type of country that doesn't annoy the poop out of me. I actually really like it. It has a simple band, with the bass and drums being the most prominent instruments.
I think I'm the favorite daughter now :)
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Those of you who know me, know how absolutely enthralled I am by the book Sybil. It's a true story of a woman who's childhood was so terrible that she split into 16 different personalities. Sybil's case was such a ground breaking case that brought a lot of insight into the world of psychology. She was the first recorded person that had both male and female personalities, and she had the most recorded personalities at the time. Also she had some of the most complex personalities, each had their own distinct 'appearance', accent, views on religion, their mother, relationships, etc.
I can't imagine how terrifying it would be to not remember what you've done for days or years at a time, to not remember how you got somewhere. It's terrifying for me when I sleep walk and hide things from myself, or wake up in my garage. This would be so much worse, this is an entirely different level.
This is a book (and movie) that everyone should read sometime in their life. To see how Sybil has suffered through her terrible, torturous childhood, that affected her even as an adult, will really make you appreciate how great your life is. Honestly, most of our problems are very slight compared to what Sybil had to endure. Learning, and caring about someones struggles makes you grow, and being informed can help prevent things from happening. I think it's important for all of us to know the signs of abuse, so we can help those who are being abused and are not able to speak out against it.
According to helpguide.org, the traits that an abusive person has are:
Dominance: Hattie always had to be the center of attention, and she would do it however she needed to, often using her daughter.
Humiliation: One of Hattie's favorite acts was to let her feces go on other peoples lawns and yell swear words in public, this embarrassed Sybil very much.
Isolation: This was one of the biggest factors. Hattie was ALWAYS with Sybil, she didn't want Sybil telling anyone what was going on in their house, she told Sybil she couldn't hang out with her friends, and always said Sybil didn't love her when she wanted to go somewhere.
Threats: Threats were used frequently, and almost always followed through with.
Intimidation: Hattie was a big woman, and had physically hurt Sybil hundreds of times, she almost died on a few occasions. So was Sybil intimidated? Yes.
Denial and Blame: Hattie was very good at coming up with excuses, always blaming Sybil's injuries, on the neighbor boy, a playmate, or Sybil herself. She also always told Sybil that it was her fault she was being tortured, because she was a 'bad girl', she said if she didn't do it Sybil would go to hell. Even though Sybil rarely did something rebellious or bad.
I can't imagine how terrifying it would be to not remember what you've done for days or years at a time, to not remember how you got somewhere. It's terrifying for me when I sleep walk and hide things from myself, or wake up in my garage. This would be so much worse, this is an entirely different level.
This is a book (and movie) that everyone should read sometime in their life. To see how Sybil has suffered through her terrible, torturous childhood, that affected her even as an adult, will really make you appreciate how great your life is. Honestly, most of our problems are very slight compared to what Sybil had to endure. Learning, and caring about someones struggles makes you grow, and being informed can help prevent things from happening. I think it's important for all of us to know the signs of abuse, so we can help those who are being abused and are not able to speak out against it.
According to helpguide.org, the traits that an abusive person has are:
- Dominance – Abusive individuals need to feel in charge of the relationship. They will make decisions for you and the family, tell you what to do, and expect you to obey without question. Your abuser may treat you like a servant, child, or even as his or her possession.
Humiliation – An abuser will do everything he or she can to make you feel bad about yourself or defective in some way. After all, if you believe you're worthless and that no one else will want you, you're less likely to leave. Insults, name-calling, shaming, and public put-downs are all weapons of abuse designed to erode your self-esteem and make you feel powerless.
- Isolation – In order to increase your dependence on him or her, an abusive partner will cut you off from the outside world. He or she may keep you from seeing family or friends, or even prevent you from going to work or school. You may have to ask permission to do anything, go anywhere, or see anyone.
- Threats – Abusers commonly use threats to keep their partners from leaving or to scare them into dropping charges. Your abuser may threaten to hurt or kill you, your children, other family members, or even pets. He or she may also threaten to commit suicide, file false charges against you, or report you to child services.
- Intimidation – Your abuser may use a variety of intimidation tactics designed to scare you into submission. Such tactics include making threatening looks or gestures, smashing things in front of you, destroying property, hurting your pets, or putting weapons on display. The clear message is that if you don't obey, there will be violent consequences.
- Denial and blame – Abusers are very good at making excuses for the inexcusable. They will blame their abusive and violent behavior on a bad childhood, a bad day, and even on the victims of their abuse. Your abusive partner may minimize the abuse or deny that it occurred. He or she will commonly shift the responsibility on to you: Somehow, his or her violent and abusive behavior is your fault.
Dominance: Hattie always had to be the center of attention, and she would do it however she needed to, often using her daughter.
Humiliation: One of Hattie's favorite acts was to let her feces go on other peoples lawns and yell swear words in public, this embarrassed Sybil very much.
Isolation: This was one of the biggest factors. Hattie was ALWAYS with Sybil, she didn't want Sybil telling anyone what was going on in their house, she told Sybil she couldn't hang out with her friends, and always said Sybil didn't love her when she wanted to go somewhere.
Threats: Threats were used frequently, and almost always followed through with.
Intimidation: Hattie was a big woman, and had physically hurt Sybil hundreds of times, she almost died on a few occasions. So was Sybil intimidated? Yes.
Denial and Blame: Hattie was very good at coming up with excuses, always blaming Sybil's injuries, on the neighbor boy, a playmate, or Sybil herself. She also always told Sybil that it was her fault she was being tortured, because she was a 'bad girl', she said if she didn't do it Sybil would go to hell. Even though Sybil rarely did something rebellious or bad.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Aaron Carter
Here we go
Here we go
The name is AC
And I'm here to make it hot
I step into a room you could hear a pin drop
Now I know you know
I rocked alot of tunes
Ryhme so high, I fly ya to the moon
Don't try to take me out
I'm the one who beat Shaq
Said come and get it
and told you where it's at
9 o'clock on the dot
I partied down the block
I get my crew together
And I make a pit stop
Grab Kara, then Sara
Lisa, Mandy, and Tara
I got Jenny
Then Jessie
Now we're all chillin'
Jump On The Fizzy
Ain't nothing gonna break my stride
You know we're gonna hold it down
Well, we're gonna keep it movin'
Ain't noting but a good time
Yeah, we're gonna shout it loud
Well, we're gonna keep it movin'
Here we go
The name is AC
And I'm here to make it hot
I step into a room you could hear a pin drop
Now I know you know
I rocked alot of tunes
Ryhme so high, I fly ya to the moon
Don't try to take me out
I'm the one who beat Shaq
Said come and get it
and told you where it's at
9 o'clock on the dot
I partied down the block
I get my crew together
And I make a pit stop
Grab Kara, then Sara
Lisa, Mandy, and Tara
I got Jenny
Then Jessie
Now we're all chillin'
Jump On The Fizzy
Ain't nothing gonna break my stride
You know we're gonna hold it down
Well, we're gonna keep it movin'
Ain't noting but a good time
Yeah, we're gonna shout it loud
Well, we're gonna keep it movin'
Those were the epic lyrics of Jump On a Fizzy
Yes, Aaron Carter, the wanna be rapper that my neighborhood was obsessed with when we were little.
One of my neighbors had all of the lyrics memorized and could bust out in a hilarious rap.
If you haven't listened to Aaron for a while you should. It will make you laugh. Jump on a Fizzy.
I'll admit I had a major crush on Aaron Carter when I was just a wee little girl. I mean just look at his picture, any little girl would love his perfectness. The inside cover of one of his CD's pictured him swimming with dolphins, that just put him over the edge for me, ha ha.
And look at this one! Doesn't this just make him look like a fun loving boy.
Akward Eye Contact
Have you ever been walking in a hallway, and see someone you know? Okay that was dumb question. I'm sure that happens to everyone on a daily basis. If you're like me, you wave or smile at people you know, but not everyone is like that, and it can lead to an awkward situation.
Awkward Situation One: You are walking down the hallway, you see one of your good friends, you make eye contact, you wave frantically and yell their name. They seem to be in your own little world, and don't notice you. Now you look like an idiot/ loser. People are now looking at you, because you were waving your arms like a lunatic and yelling. Now if that person would have noticed you, and been all freaky back at you, the two of you would look like to coolest people in the hallway. Everyone would be jealous of your amazing coolness (Okay maybe not but you get the point). Anyway if they would have noticed you would be okay. But they didn't. You now grumble to yourself "fine don't look at me," and now you look insane for talking to yourself.
Awkward Situation Two: You're at work, and you pass someone you work with, they look at you, you smile, they look away and keep walking. You say to yourself "Thanks for snubbing me. Jerk."
Awkward Situation Three: Bathroom eye contact. You are washing your hands, and look up to check yourself out in the mirror, you make eye contact with someone else who is also looking in the mirror, you don't say anything or smile, and you hurry up to get out of the bathroom. I would be willing to bet eye contact in the Men's Restroom would be more awkward, for the obvious reasons.
Awkward Situation Four: You make contact with a random stranger. You try to smile, but it comes out more as a straight, tight lipped grimace.
I really like old people.
That may seem completely off topic, but, really, it's not. Because old people almost always make eye contact and give you a genuine smile. Those toothless grins brighten your day. Everyone should be like an old person. Old people are less concerned with what they have, but with the people they're with.
Awkward Situation One: You are walking down the hallway, you see one of your good friends, you make eye contact, you wave frantically and yell their name. They seem to be in your own little world, and don't notice you. Now you look like an idiot/ loser. People are now looking at you, because you were waving your arms like a lunatic and yelling. Now if that person would have noticed you, and been all freaky back at you, the two of you would look like to coolest people in the hallway. Everyone would be jealous of your amazing coolness (Okay maybe not but you get the point). Anyway if they would have noticed you would be okay. But they didn't. You now grumble to yourself "fine don't look at me," and now you look insane for talking to yourself.
Awkward Situation Two: You're at work, and you pass someone you work with, they look at you, you smile, they look away and keep walking. You say to yourself "Thanks for snubbing me. Jerk."
Awkward Situation Three: Bathroom eye contact. You are washing your hands, and look up to check yourself out in the mirror, you make eye contact with someone else who is also looking in the mirror, you don't say anything or smile, and you hurry up to get out of the bathroom. I would be willing to bet eye contact in the Men's Restroom would be more awkward, for the obvious reasons.
Awkward Situation Four: You make contact with a random stranger. You try to smile, but it comes out more as a straight, tight lipped grimace.
I really like old people.
That may seem completely off topic, but, really, it's not. Because old people almost always make eye contact and give you a genuine smile. Those toothless grins brighten your day. Everyone should be like an old person. Old people are less concerned with what they have, but with the people they're with.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Why does being famous take people down the wrong path?
Bruno Mars was caught doing drugs (possibly cocaine) at the Hard Rock Cafe in Las Vegas. One of my previous posts was about how awesome Bruno Mars was, and how I liked him because he was clean cut and talented. Now I hear this nonsense about drugs and it makes me wonder, why? So many people have gone off the deep end, lets hope Bruno Mars can clean up and continue to be the awesome person he once was. When I talk about someone going of the deep end, I'm not just talking about drugs. I'm talking about Miley Cyrus turning into a slut, and all the cheating going on with celebrities, Britney Spears going physco for a little bit. Why celebrities think that because they're famous they don't have to be stand up people is beyond me. Actually they have more responsibility to be good people, because they are in the public eye. Honestly most of them aren't doing a very good job.
Rather than give you more examples of people who are terrible and don't deserve to be in the public eye making tons of money, I'll give you an example of a truly amazing person. Ellen DeGeneres. Not only does she brighten peoples day with (mostly) clean humor, she is an advocate against bullying, and other good causes. She sets a good example for the entire world, by quitting smoking and sticking to it. If everyone was like Ellen it would be a perfect world.
Rather than give you more examples of people who are terrible and don't deserve to be in the public eye making tons of money, I'll give you an example of a truly amazing person. Ellen DeGeneres. Not only does she brighten peoples day with (mostly) clean humor, she is an advocate against bullying, and other good causes. She sets a good example for the entire world, by quitting smoking and sticking to it. If everyone was like Ellen it would be a perfect world.
Whenever I think of the word 'procrastinate' my mind automatically jumps to the skit on the Amanda Show that I used to watch when I was a kid. "I'll get to it... eventually" now this seems to be the motto of the entire teenage population. Now I swear, that I am not a procrastinator, although I keep forgetting about these blog posts, arg, which leads me to be writing 800 words on a Sunday morning. (Hey at least I didn't wait until Sunday night). It is days like this that I am glad that I am an endless pit of words. (I mean, I talk a LOT, you couldn't get me to shut up if you tried.) But anyway back to procrastination. There are many causes of procrastination. Show Choir Practice, Band Practice, TV shows, Jobs, and the Internet.
1. One of the leading causes of Procrastination is MLIA.com. (that is if you are a huge nerd that love Harry Potter and despises Twilight.)
This site includes posts like:
Today, I was looking in my college book for some info about schools. I came across an interesting one, and it said that 47% of their students are male, 50% female. I'm confused as to what the other 3% might be. MLIA.
Today, in class we were listing names of jobs that start with "W". Kids began listing of things such as Waiter, writer, weightlifter, and water boy. One kid raised his hand and said whore. It's always the quiet kids. MLIA
Today, I made a joke about blondes. There was a blonde there. No one cared. MLIA
So basically just useless stories, but everyday thousands of teenagers get sucked into the black hole that is MLIA. There are even multiple stories about procrastinating on MLIA.
2. YouTube is also a culprit. With so many random funny videos out there it's hard not to get sucked in. Imagine this scenario: You're working on a HUGE paper, it's half of your final grade. Someone sends you a link to Nick Pitera's version of A Whole New World , you are totally amazed by the beastliness of his voice, and you begin watching some of the related videos on the left side of the YouTube screen, soon you are in love with Nick Pitera and are watching every possible video you can find of him. Sound familiar? I though so.
Along with that time sucking video, are others such as:
Got Dat Applesauce - Yes this video is pretty stupid, but it makes me laugh. Whatever possessed someone to make this video, I have no idea.
I would post some other time sucking videos, but I don't want to get stuck on YouTube.
3. Jobs are one of the worst. I'm one of the lucky ones who has a job that I love with flexible hours, but many people I know work at Hyvee. Hyvee claims to be flexible, but teenagers are stuck working 4 to 10. How someone is supposed to get their homework done is beyond me. That leaves between 2:45 and 4 to get homework done, and then after 10, plus drive time, and meals. That is just ridiculous.
4. Sports, Clubs and activities. I don't think I need to elaborate on this.
5. Work load. How is someone supposed to stay ahead on things when they have so much homework that they can barely, or not even, get all the homework done for the next day. Taking multiple AP classes definately takes a toll on the amount of time a student has to spend studying and getting ahead.
1. One of the leading causes of Procrastination is MLIA.com. (that is if you are a huge nerd that love Harry Potter and despises Twilight.)
This site includes posts like:
Today, I was looking in my college book for some info about schools. I came across an interesting one, and it said that 47% of their students are male, 50% female. I'm confused as to what the other 3% might be. MLIA.
Today, in class we were listing names of jobs that start with "W". Kids began listing of things such as Waiter, writer, weightlifter, and water boy. One kid raised his hand and said whore. It's always the quiet kids. MLIA
Today, I made a joke about blondes. There was a blonde there. No one cared. MLIA
So basically just useless stories, but everyday thousands of teenagers get sucked into the black hole that is MLIA. There are even multiple stories about procrastinating on MLIA.
2. YouTube is also a culprit. With so many random funny videos out there it's hard not to get sucked in. Imagine this scenario: You're working on a HUGE paper, it's half of your final grade. Someone sends you a link to Nick Pitera's version of A Whole New World , you are totally amazed by the beastliness of his voice, and you begin watching some of the related videos on the left side of the YouTube screen, soon you are in love with Nick Pitera and are watching every possible video you can find of him. Sound familiar? I though so.
Along with that time sucking video, are others such as:
Got Dat Applesauce - Yes this video is pretty stupid, but it makes me laugh. Whatever possessed someone to make this video, I have no idea.
I would post some other time sucking videos, but I don't want to get stuck on YouTube.
3. Jobs are one of the worst. I'm one of the lucky ones who has a job that I love with flexible hours, but many people I know work at Hyvee. Hyvee claims to be flexible, but teenagers are stuck working 4 to 10. How someone is supposed to get their homework done is beyond me. That leaves between 2:45 and 4 to get homework done, and then after 10, plus drive time, and meals. That is just ridiculous.
4. Sports, Clubs and activities. I don't think I need to elaborate on this.
5. Work load. How is someone supposed to stay ahead on things when they have so much homework that they can barely, or not even, get all the homework done for the next day. Taking multiple AP classes definately takes a toll on the amount of time a student has to spend studying and getting ahead.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Pet Peeves
I’m sort of diverging from my original topic here, but I would like to talk a little about my pet peeves.
1. The ‘I’ key on this keyboard. The key is missing so there is just a little white nub that feels off when you try to type.
2. The word there, or their, or they’re. I always use the wrong one.
3. When people ask me what I’m thinking. Honestly I can’t help what I’m thinking, so if I’m thinking about how ugly you are, you obviously don’t want to know that, and I don’t want to tell you that. (Not that you’re ugly or anything).
4. When people go on and on about how smart they are. “I’m so good at this homework I’m not doing it until right now, I mean I’m just so beastly, I can do this with my eyes closed.” Ten minutes later. “Dude can you help me with this”
5. You dirty little mutt. My sister has taken to saying this phrase every five seconds in the last twenty four hours. Obviously it gets on my nerves.
6. The word believe. I spell it wrong every time!
7. When people change their facebook photo too often. Or their photo doesn’t show their face. Or is a picture of a car.
8. When people complain ALL the time, which is funny because what I’m doing right now is essentially complaining.
9. Homework
10. When people don’t know that Michael Jackson is dead, or they post a list of my ‘Criminal Activities’ on the internet. (For the record I do not participate in criminal activities, except maybe for the occasional J-walking. Although most of the time I stick to the crosswalk).
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
I would like to speak about the epic music stylings of Kansas. Particularly Carry On My Wayward Son.
Before I go on you must listen to the song:
Before I go on you must listen to the song:
Not only is their hair completely awesome, (Check it out-->)
they have amazing harmonies. Most of the band members a multi talented. One guitarest is shown playing piano with his guitar slung over his shoulder. The lead singer can also play a few instruments.
And who doesn't love when fire comes out of the stage!! I know I love it. This is going to sound weird, but this totally makes me want to head bang, just kidding, but still.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Michael Jackson
I've been a Michael Jackson fan since I was a little girl. When I was nine I asked for a DVD of his best music videos for Christmas. My grandma bought it for me, and I can't tell you how many times I've watched it. Anyway I'm not really here to talk about his music, really more to say where I stand on the charges that he is a sex offender. Obviously I don't believe that he is. I honestly don't understand how God would give an evil person so much talent. Even if you're not a religious person, just ponder this a bit. I know the world isn't a fair place, but it has to be against the laws of nature for evil person to be amazingly talented.
If you search Michael Jackson on Wikipedia the first sentence is "Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009) was an American recording artist, entertainer, and philanthropist." Read that again it says PHILANTHROPIST. If you don't know what a philanthropist is Merriam Webster's dictionary defines it as : "one who practices goodwill to fellowmen; especially : active effort to promote human welfare" That to me doesn't sound like a child molester. Still not convinced? Read on.
In 1993 a thirteen year old boy, Jordan Chandler, and his father accused Michael Jackson of sexual abuse. This seemed immediately suspicious to me after I watched a video of Michael Jackson, and Jordon Chandler along with a few other children who were visiting Neverland. Jordan was telling a story about how he had a bad dream and went into Michael's room in the middle of the night and asked to sleep on the floor. Michael said that he could sleep in the bed, and that Michael would sleep in the chair. That is what Jordan said what happened. Someone watching this video later, thought it was a possibility that sexual activities had gone on, and asked Jordan Chandler's family if it had happened. A few weeks later Jordan accused Michael of sexual abuse.
So basically the Chandler family didn't even think about sexual abuse until someone planted the idea in their heads. Jordan had earlier said how great and nice Michael was. Something seems fishy.
Jordan's father was recorded saying "If I go through with this, I win big-time. There's no way I lose. I will get everything I want and they will be destroyed forever ... Michael's career will be over" Double fishy. It seemed that Dr.Chandler only wanted money.
His mother insists that Jackson did nothing wrong. Even Jordan's own mother doesn't believe him.
Now it seem that after Michael Jackson's death, Jordan has come forward and said that he cooked the whole thing up, pressured by his dad to do so for money. He says he is sorry for ruining Michael's life. Now do I know if this is another scheme to get attention. Nope. But like I said, I refuse to believe that someone with that much talent would be an evil person.
The second time that Michael was accused of sexual molestation, once again it was not the families or the children who first had the ideas of sexual abuse, but an outsider watching a video. In the documentary "Living with Michael Jackson" which was purposefully edited to make Michael look bad. Some people will do anything, ruin anyone's life, just for a little money.
The way you make me feel <-- this is one of my all time favorite songs of his. Michael Jackson is one of those people, that when you listen to their music you just want to do something with your life, or make the world a better place. Whenever I listen to this song I feel elated. Some one who can evoke such positive emotion in people wouldn't do such evil acts.
This is kind of bad quality but it's a good interview to watch:
Michael Jackson Interview
One of the reasons I think Michael Jackson was so easy to prey on is that he is very eccentric, and seems almost naive. His voice is so pure he sounds like a child, and he centers his entire life around religion and his various causes. He's the kind of person who should be celebrated, not rumored about, or have jokes made about.
If you search Michael Jackson on Wikipedia the first sentence is "Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009) was an American recording artist, entertainer, and philanthropist." Read that again it says PHILANTHROPIST. If you don't know what a philanthropist is Merriam Webster's dictionary defines it as : "one who practices goodwill to fellowmen; especially : active effort to promote human welfare" That to me doesn't sound like a child molester. Still not convinced? Read on.
In 1993 a thirteen year old boy, Jordan Chandler, and his father accused Michael Jackson of sexual abuse. This seemed immediately suspicious to me after I watched a video of Michael Jackson, and Jordon Chandler along with a few other children who were visiting Neverland. Jordan was telling a story about how he had a bad dream and went into Michael's room in the middle of the night and asked to sleep on the floor. Michael said that he could sleep in the bed, and that Michael would sleep in the chair. That is what Jordan said what happened. Someone watching this video later, thought it was a possibility that sexual activities had gone on, and asked Jordan Chandler's family if it had happened. A few weeks later Jordan accused Michael of sexual abuse.
So basically the Chandler family didn't even think about sexual abuse until someone planted the idea in their heads. Jordan had earlier said how great and nice Michael was. Something seems fishy.
Jordan's father was recorded saying "If I go through with this, I win big-time. There's no way I lose. I will get everything I want and they will be destroyed forever ... Michael's career will be over" Double fishy. It seemed that Dr.Chandler only wanted money.
His mother insists that Jackson did nothing wrong. Even Jordan's own mother doesn't believe him.
Now it seem that after Michael Jackson's death, Jordan has come forward and said that he cooked the whole thing up, pressured by his dad to do so for money. He says he is sorry for ruining Michael's life. Now do I know if this is another scheme to get attention. Nope. But like I said, I refuse to believe that someone with that much talent would be an evil person.
The second time that Michael was accused of sexual molestation, once again it was not the families or the children who first had the ideas of sexual abuse, but an outsider watching a video. In the documentary "Living with Michael Jackson" which was purposefully edited to make Michael look bad. Some people will do anything, ruin anyone's life, just for a little money.
The way you make me feel <-- this is one of my all time favorite songs of his. Michael Jackson is one of those people, that when you listen to their music you just want to do something with your life, or make the world a better place. Whenever I listen to this song I feel elated. Some one who can evoke such positive emotion in people wouldn't do such evil acts.
This is kind of bad quality but it's a good interview to watch:
Michael Jackson Interview
One of the reasons I think Michael Jackson was so easy to prey on is that he is very eccentric, and seems almost naive. His voice is so pure he sounds like a child, and he centers his entire life around religion and his various causes. He's the kind of person who should be celebrated, not rumored about, or have jokes made about.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Best Show ever.
My favorite line, "you may want to pick a more masculine note." If you don't know what I'm talking about you obviously didn't watch it to the end. So do that. And while you're at it, why don't you watch all 10 seasons of friends. It will make your life.
So there was really no point for this blog post, except to brighten your day with a fantastic video.
My favorite line, "you may want to pick a more masculine note." If you don't know what I'm talking about you obviously didn't watch it to the end. So do that. And while you're at it, why don't you watch all 10 seasons of friends. It will make your life.
So there was really no point for this blog post, except to brighten your day with a fantastic video.
Michael Buble
I would like to take a break from my usual ranting about terrible artists, and pay homage to a truly phenomenal one. That would be Michael Buble, if you didn't guess that from the title.
The first song I ever heard of his is "Feeling Good" it's one of those songs that makes you feel like you can fly. Whenever I hear it I want to dance and belt it, and it always gets stuck in my head, which is okay with me. My sister bought a Michael Buble CD for my mom's birthday a few years ago, and one of it's really great qualities is that it's appeal spans across generations.
Recently his music has become really popular, especially the song "I just haven't met you yet." This is one fad that I am proudly part of, and I'm glad people are finally realizing the true genius of this man.
You NEED to watch this!
Above - if you aren't already aware - is the music video for "Feeling Good"
I really enjoy it, it's kind of corny, so it makes me Chuckle. His dancing about a minute in is... entertaining, a really like that he can act silly and laugh at himself.
The first song I ever heard of his is "Feeling Good" it's one of those songs that makes you feel like you can fly. Whenever I hear it I want to dance and belt it, and it always gets stuck in my head, which is okay with me. My sister bought a Michael Buble CD for my mom's birthday a few years ago, and one of it's really great qualities is that it's appeal spans across generations.
Recently his music has become really popular, especially the song "I just haven't met you yet." This is one fad that I am proudly part of, and I'm glad people are finally realizing the true genius of this man.
You NEED to watch this!
Above - if you aren't already aware - is the music video for "Feeling Good"
I really enjoy it, it's kind of corny, so it makes me Chuckle. His dancing about a minute in is... entertaining, a really like that he can act silly and laugh at himself.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
music that makes you want to pull your hair out
You've all seen the movie twilight, and most of you probablly think Robert Pattinson is pretty damn hot (Gag), but if you hear his singing on the twilight soundtrack you might change your mind. I sounds like his mouth is tied shut.
I would have never gone seaking out this song, it's just a very drunk woman was going on about how sexy Robert Pattinson was, and how great a singer he is. Needlessly to say, I had to check it out, and what I found out is, you have to be drunk to think he's a good singer.
You have to give him a little credit though, he says he wasn't aware that he had to sing when he signed the Twilight contract, and his guitar playing is pretty good.
Here is the song, it's called "Never Think"
I would have never gone seaking out this song, it's just a very drunk woman was going on about how sexy Robert Pattinson was, and how great a singer he is. Needlessly to say, I had to check it out, and what I found out is, you have to be drunk to think he's a good singer.
You have to give him a little credit though, he says he wasn't aware that he had to sing when he signed the Twilight contract, and his guitar playing is pretty good.
Here is the song, it's called "Never Think"
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Lil Wayne
Lil Wayne just announced that his album "I Am Not A Human" is going to be a full length album now. Great. We really need more Lil Wayne music in this world. That was sarcasm.
First of all the title "I Am Not A Human" is stupid. A more effective title would be simply ' Not Human.' Also, can you get anymore conceited than that. Really, "I am not a human" implies that you are godlike, or a super hero. I guess it could also be "I am not a human," as in an animal, but if that was case, it would defiantly have some sexual undertones.
Lil Wayne is also a stupid name. I mean, who walks around saying Lil' I feel like an idiot every time I say that.
He's also in jail at the moment. I don't think anyone who has had to serve jail time deserves to be famous, and influence millions of people. I can't respect a man who has so many tattoos, and is a rapper, and has been in jail, that's just to much. I would really admire him if he cleaned himself up, getting out of the cycle of being in and out of jail is tough, and I've seen many people who have been in a similar situation, and are now leading happy healthy lives with there families. But I don't see this happening anytime soon with lil' Wayne.
Okay, now I can get to his actual music now that I'm done ranting.
Well mostly he raps and uses auto tune, which i don't think I need to say how I feel about.
He uses his creepiness to get by on most songs, rather than talent.
Here is the music video to Lollipop
So if you watched the video, you would see there are a lot of girls who are somehow turned on by Lil Wayne. If you don't see how that is totally wrong, why don't you take another look at the photo above. If anyone here thinks that is attractive, let me know and I will help you find a mental hospital.
First of all the title "I Am Not A Human" is stupid. A more effective title would be simply ' Not Human.' Also, can you get anymore conceited than that. Really, "I am not a human" implies that you are godlike, or a super hero. I guess it could also be "I am not a human," as in an animal, but if that was case, it would defiantly have some sexual undertones.
Lil Wayne is also a stupid name. I mean, who walks around saying Lil' I feel like an idiot every time I say that.
He's also in jail at the moment. I don't think anyone who has had to serve jail time deserves to be famous, and influence millions of people. I can't respect a man who has so many tattoos, and is a rapper, and has been in jail, that's just to much. I would really admire him if he cleaned himself up, getting out of the cycle of being in and out of jail is tough, and I've seen many people who have been in a similar situation, and are now leading happy healthy lives with there families. But I don't see this happening anytime soon with lil' Wayne.
Okay, now I can get to his actual music now that I'm done ranting.
Well mostly he raps and uses auto tune, which i don't think I need to say how I feel about.
He uses his creepiness to get by on most songs, rather than talent.
Here is the music video to Lollipop
So if you watched the video, you would see there are a lot of girls who are somehow turned on by Lil Wayne. If you don't see how that is totally wrong, why don't you take another look at the photo above. If anyone here thinks that is attractive, let me know and I will help you find a mental hospital.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Queen Movie!
So I opened my internet broweser, and guess what I saw?!
Sacha Baron Cohen to Play Freddie Mercury in Queen!
Yes that's right folks a movie about Queen, it's finally happening! Personally I've never heard of Sacha Baron Cohen, but apparently he's done a bunch of movies. He starred in Da Ali G show, and as Borat, and Bruno. Hopefully because he's played such interesting, and sometimes flamboyant characters he will be a good match for the role of Freddie Mercury. He better be, or there will be some upset Queen fans, me being one of them.
The movie has remained untitled so far, but it will cover Queen's early years to their 1985 concert at Wembley Stadium (which some say was Queens best concert). Unfortunately it will not cover the years leading to Mercury's death, but I believe it was out of respect for him. He liked to keep his life private, in fact, he did very few interviews.
Below is a nice video montage/memoir of Freddie Mercury's last interview before dying, put over some clips of his performances. I believe it portrays him in a nice light.
It is my hope that the movie will do Mr. Mercury justice. I believe after someone is dead and gone, it is not appropriate to dwell on the things that went wrong in their life, it is not respectful to show them in a light that they would have not been okay with.
Anyway... I'm looking forward to seeing this movie (although it will not be out for a few years most likely), but I will definitely make a post when I see it!
Sacha Baron Cohen to Play Freddie Mercury in Queen!
Yes that's right folks a movie about Queen, it's finally happening! Personally I've never heard of Sacha Baron Cohen, but apparently he's done a bunch of movies. He starred in Da Ali G show, and as Borat, and Bruno. Hopefully because he's played such interesting, and sometimes flamboyant characters he will be a good match for the role of Freddie Mercury. He better be, or there will be some upset Queen fans, me being one of them.
The movie has remained untitled so far, but it will cover Queen's early years to their 1985 concert at Wembley Stadium (which some say was Queens best concert). Unfortunately it will not cover the years leading to Mercury's death, but I believe it was out of respect for him. He liked to keep his life private, in fact, he did very few interviews.
Below is a nice video montage/memoir of Freddie Mercury's last interview before dying, put over some clips of his performances. I believe it portrays him in a nice light.
It is my hope that the movie will do Mr. Mercury justice. I believe after someone is dead and gone, it is not appropriate to dwell on the things that went wrong in their life, it is not respectful to show them in a light that they would have not been okay with.
Anyway... I'm looking forward to seeing this movie (although it will not be out for a few years most likely), but I will definitely make a post when I see it!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Eleanor Rigby
Eleanor Rigby, by the Beatles, they don't make songs like this anymore. The Beatles use an interesting mix of guitar and a double string quartet. This song marks the beginning of a new period of Beatles music, where there is less pop, and more seriousness. Also this song may be to blame for some of the stress between Beatles members that later caused their split. Paul McCartney is truly the writer of this song, but Lennon takes credit for 70% of the lyrics, although other band members back up McCartney, saying he had the song nearly finished when McCartney first played it for them.
Here is the song!
Lennon also created a lot of controversy that led to riots. He made a comment that "The Beatles were more popular than Jesus. Personally I believe that Lennon is to blame for the tragic Beatles break up. I'm just glad the McCartney went on to have a solo career afterwards, or I would have to have a stern talking to with Mr.Lennon.
Here is the song!
Lennon also created a lot of controversy that led to riots. He made a comment that "The Beatles were more popular than Jesus. Personally I believe that Lennon is to blame for the tragic Beatles break up. I'm just glad the McCartney went on to have a solo career afterwards, or I would have to have a stern talking to with Mr.Lennon.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Falling in Love at a Coffee Shop
The song I am absolutely in love with right now is Falling in Love At A Coffee Shop, by Landon Pigg.
Music Video... watch it!
Mr. Pigg has a unique voice, and is a talented guitarist. He's even kind of invented his own playing style. (Which is frustrating when you're trying to learn how to play this song!) Anyway... Landon properly utilizes various instruments, and creates sort of a light floaty vibe.
Pigg grew up in Nashville, Tennessee and was encouraged by his parents to pursue music, which got him where he is today. He started out as a child writing jingles, his first was for McDonald's. As he got older he did gigs in Coffee shops.
Here is a link, where Pigg talks a little about himself
Landon is pretty down to earth, (although he could use a hair cut), and he can laugh at himself which I admire in a person.
Music Video... watch it!
Mr. Pigg has a unique voice, and is a talented guitarist. He's even kind of invented his own playing style. (Which is frustrating when you're trying to learn how to play this song!) Anyway... Landon properly utilizes various instruments, and creates sort of a light floaty vibe.
Pigg grew up in Nashville, Tennessee and was encouraged by his parents to pursue music, which got him where he is today. He started out as a child writing jingles, his first was for McDonald's. As he got older he did gigs in Coffee shops.
Here is a link, where Pigg talks a little about himself
Landon is pretty down to earth, (although he could use a hair cut), and he can laugh at himself which I admire in a person.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
I'd like to start with the most bought songs in Itunes as of today (September 9th 2010).
Number one:
Just the Way You Are by Bruno Mars (or Peter Hernandez)
Here's a link to his music video!
Personally, I like this song, it seems sincere, and isn't raunchy like so much of the music today. Hernandez has an interesting voice, it's nice to hear something that's real, and doesn't contain loads of auto-tune. Before Hernandez made it as a solo artist, he wrote song such as Nothing On You, and Billionaire. I also like how real live instruments are used, real talent comes from hard work learning how to play an instrument, not computer generated crap. The video is really creative as well, and everyone is wearing enough clothing.
If you like this song you'll enjoy this cover of it... adorable! Click Here!
Number Eight:
Yes I'm aware I skipped two through seven, but deal with it!
Number Eight is Love the Way you lie by Eminem .
This song is dumb. Rap in general is dumb. Eminem's 'voice' is so strained and gross.
here's the video... if you really want to watch it...
Rihanna is way to good an artist (although I resent some of her music) to be featured in a song as bad as this.
I think the video is not that bad, I could see this being a video to a really amazing, deep song. To bad it was wasted on this song.
I also think some of the language is unnecessarily vulgar. But I don't need to go into that.
I'd also like to add that Eminem had to repeat the 9th grade, and dropped out of school at seventeen due to truancy. Do we really want this man to be in the public eye influencing millions of people? Nuf said.
Thanks for reading-
Number one:
Just the Way You Are by Bruno Mars (or Peter Hernandez)
Here's a link to his music video!
Personally, I like this song, it seems sincere, and isn't raunchy like so much of the music today. Hernandez has an interesting voice, it's nice to hear something that's real, and doesn't contain loads of auto-tune. Before Hernandez made it as a solo artist, he wrote song such as Nothing On You, and Billionaire. I also like how real live instruments are used, real talent comes from hard work learning how to play an instrument, not computer generated crap. The video is really creative as well, and everyone is wearing enough clothing.
If you like this song you'll enjoy this cover of it... adorable! Click Here!
Number Eight:
Yes I'm aware I skipped two through seven, but deal with it!
Number Eight is Love the Way you lie by Eminem .
This song is dumb. Rap in general is dumb. Eminem's 'voice' is so strained and gross.
here's the video... if you really want to watch it...
Rihanna is way to good an artist (although I resent some of her music) to be featured in a song as bad as this.
I think the video is not that bad, I could see this being a video to a really amazing, deep song. To bad it was wasted on this song.
I also think some of the language is unnecessarily vulgar. But I don't need to go into that.
I'd also like to add that Eminem had to repeat the 9th grade, and dropped out of school at seventeen due to truancy. Do we really want this man to be in the public eye influencing millions of people? Nuf said.
Thanks for reading-
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
You have entered Melodious Madge
Well, I suppose I need to write an introduction.
Just so you know what you're getting into, this blog is about music, which I happen to be very opinionated on. I mostly listen to music that was produced before I was born, and I think most of today's music is crap (although there are some exceptions). When I listen to music, I think about the words, instruments, music videos, and the impact the artist has made on the world. Have a nice day!
Just so you know what you're getting into, this blog is about music, which I happen to be very opinionated on. I mostly listen to music that was produced before I was born, and I think most of today's music is crap (although there are some exceptions). When I listen to music, I think about the words, instruments, music videos, and the impact the artist has made on the world. Have a nice day!
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