Thursday, September 16, 2010

Eleanor Rigby

Eleanor Rigby, by the Beatles, they don't make songs like this anymore. The Beatles use an interesting mix of guitar and a double string quartet. This song marks the beginning of a new period of Beatles music, where there is less pop, and more seriousness.  Also this song may be to blame for some of the stress between Beatles members that later caused their split. Paul McCartney is truly the writer of this song, but Lennon takes credit for 70% of the lyrics, although other band members back up McCartney, saying he had the song nearly finished when McCartney first played it for them.

Here is the song!
Lennon also created a lot of controversy that led to riots. He made a comment that "The Beatles were more popular than Jesus. Personally I believe that Lennon is to blame for the tragic Beatles break up. I'm just glad the McCartney went on to have a solo career afterwards, or I would have to have a stern talking to with Mr.Lennon.

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