Sunday, October 3, 2010


Whenever I think of the word 'procrastinate' my mind automatically jumps to the skit on the Amanda Show  that I used to watch when I was a kid. "I'll get to it... eventually" now this seems to be the motto of the entire teenage population. Now I swear, that I am not a procrastinator, although I keep forgetting about these blog posts, arg, which leads me to be writing 800 words on a Sunday morning. (Hey at least I didn't wait until Sunday night). It is days like this that I am glad that I am an endless pit of words. (I mean, I talk a LOT, you couldn't get me to shut up if you tried.) But anyway back to procrastination. There are many causes of procrastination. Show Choir Practice, Band Practice, TV shows, Jobs, and the Internet.

1. One of the leading causes of Procrastination is (that is if you are a huge nerd that love Harry Potter and despises Twilight.)
This site includes posts like:  
 Today, I was looking in my college book for some info about schools. I came across an interesting one, and it said that 47% of their students are male, 50% female. I'm confused as to what the other 3% might be. MLIA.


Today, in class we were listing names of jobs that start with "W". Kids began listing of things such as Waiter, writer, weightlifter, and water boy. One kid raised his hand and said whore. It's always the quiet kids. MLIA


Today, I made a joke about blondes. There was a blonde there. No one cared. MLIA

So basically just useless stories, but everyday thousands of teenagers get sucked into the black hole that is MLIA. There are even multiple stories about procrastinating on MLIA.

2. YouTube is also a culprit. With so many random funny videos out there it's hard not to get sucked in. Imagine this scenario: You're working on a HUGE paper, it's  half of your final grade. Someone sends you a link to Nick Pitera's version of A Whole New World , you are totally amazed by the beastliness of his voice, and you begin watching some of the related videos on the left side of the YouTube screen, soon you are in love with Nick Pitera and are watching every possible video you can find of him. Sound familiar? I though so.

Along with that time sucking video, are others such as:
Got Dat Applesauce - Yes this video is pretty stupid, but it makes me laugh. Whatever possessed someone to make this video, I have no idea.

I would post some other time sucking videos, but I don't want to get stuck on YouTube.

3.  Jobs are one of the worst. I'm one of the lucky ones who has a job that I love with flexible hours, but many people I know work at Hyvee. Hyvee claims to be flexible, but teenagers are stuck working 4 to 10. How someone is supposed to get their homework done is beyond me. That leaves between 2:45 and 4 to get homework done, and then after 10, plus drive time, and meals. That is just ridiculous.

4. Sports, Clubs and activities. I don't think I need to elaborate on this.

5. Work load. How is someone supposed to stay ahead on things when they have so much homework that they can barely, or not even, get all the homework done for the next day. Taking multiple AP classes definately takes a toll on the amount of time a student has to spend studying and getting ahead.

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