A friend of mine, inspired by this blog also uses Microsoft paint to make amazing pictures on her blog. This friend is an amazing artist anyway, but I am so much more amazed with her talents now that I have seen what see can produce.
So one day, out of sheer boredom I decided to try my hand at drawing on Microsoft Paint. It did not turn out so well. I'm not sure what I excepted. I can't even draw a dang bunny. For my first attempt I tried to draw a little boy, but it soon turned out to be a creepy smiling llama.
Okay, so it really doesn't look that much like a Llama, but that was the closest thing I could think of. So I thought, maybe I'll try some abstract drawing, and see how it turns out. So I randomly scribbled all over the page then used the paint bucket to fill in all the little spots with different colors. Pretty soon a huge blob was forming in the middle. I thought "Gee that blob looks an awful lot like a dino-skunk" So thus the following was produced:
So I made a third attempt. Now I know what you are thinking, "Weren't the first two attempts terrible enough for you to stop trying." Yes, but for some reason I tried a final time. I think it was the best attempt so far. It's entitled "Fat Kid on a Trampoline. "
So there you have it. That is the extent of my artistic ability. Feel free to make fun of me all you like. Or you may send me cards of sympathy for the death of my artistic ability.
I love your pictures!!!! I LOVE hyperbole and a half. But try drawing on Adobe Photoshop... it's got more gadgets to make your dino skunk a friend.