So I had to search something, so I just typed in the letter P.
Then I clicked on the tab that said Buy it Now, so I could see things that weren't being auctioned off. Then I sorted the prices from lowest to highest (included shipping). The very first entry was a stamp, for 99 cents. But it's not just any stamp, it's a green stamp, with a tree on it, from china!
A few entries down there is something listed as
"Reusable Handbag Shopping Tote New Kitty Bag purple-p"
It's a purple hello kitty bag, 99 cents, I'm buying it. Okay I just bought it. I'm excited.
You can also buy digital images of fighter planes for 99 cents. Isn't that super exciting.
Hold on, I'm going to diverge from my original topic for a second to see if I can buy a grandma, because yesterday someone told me a little girl tried to sell her grandma on eBay.
Darn no grandmas, just a bunch of recipes, and jewelry.
Anyway, back on track. OOO look a yugioh card for a dollar! I remember when I tried to learn how to play yugioh, I got bored.
Now let's look at target. The only thing I could find for a dollar was a beach ball, and that doesn't include shipping like eBay does. That's disappointing.
How about walmart, Nothing worth mentioning.
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