Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Hair Emergency!

Annually, my Grandma hosts a party to bond with her grandchildren, and some various other children that are close with my family. This year it was all girls, so we decided to have a spa weekend. We bought the essentials, nail polish, face masks, chocolate. We also bought some banana's and a cantaloupe, with the intention of blending it up and putting it in our hair to make it soft and shiny. All was going well, I had chopped them into pieces, and thrown them into the blender. My sister pressed the blend button, and the blades broke into pieces. Bye bye blender. So we put the banana's and cantaloupe in the mixer, it created a chunky pulp. We put it in our hair anyway. It looked really gross, but it smelled delicious. We let it sit for about ten minutes, then my cousin stuck her head in the sink while my sister rinsed it out for her. It wouldn't come out. The cantaloupe came out fine, but there were little chunks of banana tangled in her hair. We tried
desperately for 15 minutes to get it out, using loads of shampoo and conditioner. My cousin was soaked all the way down her back, because my sister could not controll the sprayer as she laughed. Eventually everyone took turns taking very long showers, getting most of the banana out. The good thing was it made our very soft. But we still had little chunks of banana in our hair. Luckly they all came out after the second shower. It certainly was an adventure.

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