Wednesday, February 23, 2011

If You Peak into My House You May Find Me Yelling at My Computer

Recently I discovered a dictation software that I did not know existed on my computer. I found a tutorial and began to explore the wonders of saying something, and it appearing on the screen. Well, the tutorial was extremely long, and I have a short attention span, so I closed it before it was over. I figured I knew the basics and could figure out the rest. So I opened my word processor, and began saying things to my computer. It didn't type anything. So I said it louder. Still nothing. So I yelled "work you stupid thing" to my joy and surprise the words "Work thing" magically appeared across my screen.

I said "That's not what I said, but okay" on the screen the words "pancake said butter" appeared. "Arggg" I yelled. With a soft booping sound a message popped up on my screen that said "That word is not recognized, practice with the voice training program to make your computer understand you better." (or something along those lines) I clicked on the link, and began reading the words on the screen as my computer instructed me.

I was reading a story about a man who enjoyed using his dictator. My sister knocked on my door, then barged in my room. "Who are you yelling at?!" she asked. I explained to her what I was doing and let her play with it. I left the room, and I could hear her yelling "dog poop" from across the house. Oh how I love Microsoft Windows Dictator

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