Some children have everything handed to them, their parents baby them through every game of
Candyland, let them win at Go Fish, purposefully miss shots when playing basketball. This may seem harmless to you but it's bad parenting. Children don't learn how to get things on their own.
I know a boy who is about twelve years old now, I've had the 'pleasure' of spending a lot of time with him. His parents always let him win. So when he plays games with my family he always throws a huge tantrum. Someone will knock one of his piece out it
Sorry, and he'll throw his pieces and yell "I wanted to win" and burst into tears. His parents will quickly scoop up the pieces and say "it's okay honey, you can still d win, the game's not over." I am not one to appease such behavior. His parents say, "I bet Madge will let you put your piece back where it was." I make a psssh sound and say "No I won't." (With tons of attitude of course). Usually this leads to him running into a different room and screaming.
When I was little, it was very seldom that I won things, my parents always did there best to win, and I believe it has taught me a lot. I developed the skills I needed to win, and good sportsmanship. I probably wouldn't have won anything if the games we played hadn't involved luck. To this day, I still haven't been able to fairly beat my dad at chess, since he taught me how to play a few years ago, but I can beat a few other people, because every time I play him, I get better.
The boy a mentioned earlier, he's not good at anything, because he never works toward anything. A bunch of adults were playing volleyball, and he begged to play, after much pestering they finally allowed him. The first time the ball came toward him, he missed the bump. He picked up the ball and threw it in the face of one of the adults on his team, he started screaming at them about how he wanted to hit the ball that time, like it was there fault he missed. He proceeded to lie on the ground and scream and ball for a few minutes halting the game.
This boy will never be successful in life, he will get to college, and instead of studying, he will throw a tantrum when he gets his test scores back. The same for job interviews. Throwing a tantrum at that age seems kind of unlikely, but this boy is twelve and still throwing tantrums. I don't know very many twelve year olds that would cry and scream in front of a bunch of people. There is very little hope for him.