Sunday, February 27, 2011

What can you buy on the internet for a dollar (or less)?

Well this is an interesting question, let us first run to eBay.
So I had to search something, so I just typed in the letter P.
Then I clicked on the tab that said Buy it Now, so I could see things that weren't being auctioned off. Then I sorted the prices from lowest to highest (included shipping). The very first entry was a stamp, for 99 cents. But it's not just any stamp, it's a green stamp, with a tree on it, from china!

A few entries down there is something listed as

"Reusable Handbag Shopping Tote New Kitty Bag purple-p" 

It's a purple hello kitty bag, 99 cents, I'm buying it. Okay I just bought it. I'm excited. 

You can also buy digital images of fighter planes for 99 cents. Isn't that super exciting. 

Hold on, I'm going to diverge from my original topic for a second to see if I can buy a grandma, because yesterday someone told me a little girl tried to sell her grandma on eBay. 
Darn no grandmas, just a bunch of recipes, and jewelry.  

Anyway, back on track. OOO look a yugioh card for a dollar! I remember when I tried to learn how to play yugioh, I got bored.

Now let's look at target. The only thing I could find for a dollar was a beach ball, and that doesn't include shipping like eBay does. That's disappointing.

How about walmart,  Nothing worth mentioning.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

If You Peak into My House You May Find Me Yelling at My Computer

Recently I discovered a dictation software that I did not know existed on my computer. I found a tutorial and began to explore the wonders of saying something, and it appearing on the screen. Well, the tutorial was extremely long, and I have a short attention span, so I closed it before it was over. I figured I knew the basics and could figure out the rest. So I opened my word processor, and began saying things to my computer. It didn't type anything. So I said it louder. Still nothing. So I yelled "work you stupid thing" to my joy and surprise the words "Work thing" magically appeared across my screen.

I said "That's not what I said, but okay" on the screen the words "pancake said butter" appeared. "Arggg" I yelled. With a soft booping sound a message popped up on my screen that said "That word is not recognized, practice with the voice training program to make your computer understand you better." (or something along those lines) I clicked on the link, and began reading the words on the screen as my computer instructed me.

I was reading a story about a man who enjoyed using his dictator. My sister knocked on my door, then barged in my room. "Who are you yelling at?!" she asked. I explained to her what I was doing and let her play with it. I left the room, and I could hear her yelling "dog poop" from across the house. Oh how I love Microsoft Windows Dictator

Sleepless nights

I just finished reading the newest blog post on Hyperbole and a Half. It was entitled The Scariest Story, I encourage you to read it, it's really comical. It got me thinking of my own childhood nightmares, and I thought share the cause of some of them to you.

Possibly the most frightening experience of my life happened one October when I was about eight years old. My aunt had taken my sister (who was 6 at the time) and me, along with some of her friends children to what she thought was a hayride. When we got there we found out that the hayride was in fact next weekend, and that the haunted cornfield was scheduled for that night. My sister was a huge fan of scary stories, so she insisted that we do the haunted cornfield, since we were there already. I agreed, because I didn't want to be a party pooper. The other girls we were with weren't to excited about it, but they agreed as well. We waited in line for a half an hour. We finally got to the corn maze, and walked about 6 feet in, there was a wire that shocked people as you walked by. The older girls, and the adults in our thought it was funny, but my sister and I, begin considerably smaller than everyone else thought the shock was kind of painful. This was not of too a good start. We walked a few more feet and someone jumped out, it scared me, but not as much as the girl who was about 12. She screamed and started freaking out. It was relativly quite for a while, except for the occasional nerve wracking rustle of the corn leaves. Suddenly someone with a running chain saw ran across the opening. There was a lot of screaming, and I was honestly concerned with my saftey, I mean, what if he tripped!? A few more things happened, and our whole group was terrified, but somewhat enjoying ourselves. Until my sister's ankle was grabbed. A hand shot out from corn field and latched on to her, the owner of the hand did not realize the owner of the ankle was a six year old, and pulled with too much force. My sister tumbled to the ground, not quite catching herself with her hands. She started bawling, the owner of the hand came out of the cornfield to apologize. You can imagine how that went over, when a grusemly clad, tall man comes at a hysterical six year old. She screamed bloody murder and leaped in to my aunts arms. This was suddenly not fun anymore. The rest of our group went ahead, and my aunt tried to find a way out, we decided to go forward, because we figured the maze couldn't be that much longer. We were wrong. It was so much longer. Luckily we found someone who was normally dressed who could take us out on a short cut. My aunt brought us hot choclate to calm us down.

 My parents were not happy when we got home, because we both slept on their bedroom floor for the next few nights.

Most haunted houses, and corn mazes don't allow the employes to touch people who come by anymore. I can understand why.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

I Don't Let People Win

Some children have everything handed to them, their parents baby them through every game of Candyland, let them win at Go Fish, purposefully miss shots when playing basketball. This may seem harmless to you but it's bad parenting. Children don't learn how to get things on their own.
I know a boy who is about twelve years old now, I've had the 'pleasure' of spending a lot of time with him. His parents always let him win. So when he plays games with my family he always throws a huge tantrum. Someone will knock one of his piece out it Sorry, and he'll throw his pieces and yell "I wanted to win" and burst into tears. His parents will quickly scoop up the pieces and say "it's okay honey, you can still d win, the game's not over." I am not one to appease such behavior. His parents say, "I bet Madge will let you put your piece back where it was." I make a psssh sound and say "No I won't." (With tons of attitude of course). Usually this leads to him running into a different room and screaming.
When I was little, it was very seldom that I won things, my parents always did there best to win, and I believe it has taught me a lot. I developed the skills I needed to win, and good sportsmanship. I probably wouldn't have won anything if the games we played hadn't involved luck. To this day, I still haven't been able to fairly beat my dad at chess, since he taught me how to play a few years ago, but I can beat a few other people, because every time I play him, I get better.
The boy a mentioned earlier, he's not good at anything, because he never works toward anything. A bunch of adults were playing volleyball, and he begged to play, after much pestering they finally allowed him. The first time the ball came toward him, he missed the bump. He picked up the ball and threw it in the face of one of the adults on his team, he started screaming at them about how he wanted to hit the ball that time, like it was there fault he missed. He proceeded to lie on the ground and scream and ball for a few minutes halting the game.
This boy will never be successful in life, he will get to college, and instead of studying, he will throw a tantrum when he gets his test scores back. The same for job interviews. Throwing a tantrum at that age seems kind of unlikely, but this boy is twelve and still throwing tantrums. I don't know very many twelve year olds that would cry and scream in front of a bunch of people. There is very little hope for him.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Squish Fish

I am blessed to have a sister who is allergic to pretty much every animal. I can't have a puppy, or a cat (but honestly who wants a cat), I had a hamster for awhile, but she was allergic to that too. I had some pet turtles, but they have salmonella. So now I have two fish. I love my fish. There official names are Nanners and Polka, but they rarely get called that. Nanners is most frequently called squish fish, and occasionally stud muffin. Polka is most often called poop sucker, and some other names I shouldn't put on the internet.
My fish can do flips. I have the best fish in the world. If there were fish shows, mine would win. He can jump so high, he had flipped out of his bowl on several occasions, and I have had to grab his wiggling body and toss him back in the water (which is no easy feat) he is a very large and healthy fish.
My whole family treats my fish like a dog, on any given day you can find a member of my family staring into my fish bowl saying "you're a stud" and "you're so cute" repeatedly. One of these days I'm post of a video of my amazing flipping fish. I'm convinced he's part dolphin. He even smiles like a dolphin. Okay, enough about my fish. The end

Cold Remedies

It only seems appropriate, since I've been coughing up a storm this week, and can barely keep my eyes open from exhaustion. I've heard the normal remedies, drink lots of fluids, get lots of rest, but I'm interested in the more unusual remedies.
For instance, there has been a recent study on Zinc supplements, they are known to reduce the duration of a cold by about a day, which sounds lovely to me right now. Apparently it's not really certain how these work, or whether they have bad side effects after long term use, but I'm willing to try them, I'm tired of being sick (although I'm too lazy to go out and buy some). Also people have reported that the supplements have made them lose their sense of smell. Oh well, smelling isn't that great anyway.
One remedy I found seems highly unpleasant:
" Pour a little warm water into a dish and add a level teaspoon of your sodium bicarbonate. Stir it well and then immerse your nose and surrounding parts of your face into it. Slowly breathe the water up your nose until it reaches the point where it begins to overflow into your mouth. Then expel it and rinse your mouth out."

I'm sorry but I'm not willing to have the contents of my nose in my mouth. I'll have to pass.

The best advice I found on the Internet was here. Basically it tells you to get of your lazy butt and get some exercise.