Sunday, January 9, 2011


For christmas I received a record player (thanks mom and dad!) I was ecstatic because I have 98 records that I have previously not been able to listen to. The first one I played was Michael Jackson's Thriller. My family and I listen to a few songs on a bunch of different records and that is when I discovered Foreigner. They're quickly becoming my favorite group. They have such a distinctive sound, which I love, and their transitions from verse to chorus are so powerful, it has just the perfect amount of build. The energy in every song is refreshing, the clarity in the vocals and instrumentals are amazing, especially coming from a time when music was a lot less doctored, and when people with actual talent were famous.
Lou Gramm's vocals have the perfect tenor rock tone, added with Rick Wills and Mick Jones's background harmonies is just too good to be true.
Dennis Elliott is pretty much a drumming genius, a lot of drummers get too cocky and like to be the center of attention, but he blends so nicely, and gives every song that necessary pulse.
Mick Jones plays the lead guitar and keyboards, I just love when people are multi talented.
Rick Wills is probably my favorite bassist, he adds bends and a little 'funk' to every song.

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