Neil Patrick Harris and partner David Burtka's Twins have finally arrived!
Niel says “All of us are happy, healthy, tired, and a little pukey."
I personally love Neil Patrick Harris, I watch him all the time on How I Met Your Mother and I about died when he guest starred on Glee!
The couple hired a surrogate to produce there twins (a boy and a girl), I just can't wait to see pictures! I'm sure they're adorable little babies.
Co-star Alyson Hannigan says that Neil is great with her child and thinks that the couple will be great parents. It's always nice to hear about something good in the news!
Some people will debate whether it is right for children to have two dads, but I think as long as the child has two loving parents they are set for life.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Justin Bieber charged for assault?
As hilarious as I think this is, I think the grounds for calling the police are completely uncalled for. According to the Vancouver Sun Justin Bieber was playing laser-tag with a group of kids and hit a 12 year old boy. The hit was most likely an accident, there are always risks in playing laser-tag. I mean the room is pretty dark with occasional flashing lights, it would be pretty easy to accidentally hit someone. The 12 year old boy needed no medical attention, and showed no bruises or cuts, there was virtually no evidence that it happened. Justin stuck around to explain to the parents of the boy what happened, but they decided to call the police. I think that it is a horribly selfish seek for attention. They are just making themselves look like idiots.
If you want to read a little more about it here is the article from Vancouver sun:
I would also like to share with you some comments left by readers:
"oh come on the game is played in the dark. And it begins — for the rest of his life, people will be trying to get some of his money"
"LOL but seriously it was probably an accident and the parents are just trying to getquick cash"
"It’s LASER TAG. Anything goes as long as you don’t pull out an actual weapon"
I'm not a fan of Justin Bieber but i feel for him, people need to think about the repercussions
on others before they do things.
There is also two more comments I'd like to share with you:
If you want to read a little more about it here is the article from Vancouver sun:
I would also like to share with you some comments left by readers:
"oh come on the game is played in the dark. And it begins — for the rest of his life, people will be trying to get some of his money"
"LOL but seriously it was probably an accident and the parents are just trying to get
Alia "
"Cougar spam on a Bieber post: creepy, hilarious, or both?"
I just thought it was kinda funny, that a woman is so desperate that she had to post that
comment on a Justin Bieber article. Some people are just pathetic.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Patsy Cline
A few weeks ago I was shopping for my mother's birthday, and I was browsing though the music. I wasn't paying much attention, because most of the music would be too 'hard' for my mother. But suddenly I was stopped dead in my tracks, and in front of me, almost like a beacon of light in a storm, was a Patsy Cline CD. Annoying cliches aside I was ecstatic to find something that I was pretty sure my mother would like. Normally I would be her some clothing and hope it fits. But this was perfect. My grandma always sings Patsy Cline songs, especially Crazy. My mom really likes the CD, right now I can hear her reading some of the information about Patsy's life to my dad off the inside of the CD, and earlier she was dancing around the kitchen singing to the CD.
One of the really great things about Patsy Cline is her classic voice. It's so smooth, and it's a type of country that doesn't annoy the poop out of me. I actually really like it. It has a simple band, with the bass and drums being the most prominent instruments.
I think I'm the favorite daughter now :)
One of the really great things about Patsy Cline is her classic voice. It's so smooth, and it's a type of country that doesn't annoy the poop out of me. I actually really like it. It has a simple band, with the bass and drums being the most prominent instruments.
I think I'm the favorite daughter now :)
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Those of you who know me, know how absolutely enthralled I am by the book Sybil. It's a true story of a woman who's childhood was so terrible that she split into 16 different personalities. Sybil's case was such a ground breaking case that brought a lot of insight into the world of psychology. She was the first recorded person that had both male and female personalities, and she had the most recorded personalities at the time. Also she had some of the most complex personalities, each had their own distinct 'appearance', accent, views on religion, their mother, relationships, etc.
I can't imagine how terrifying it would be to not remember what you've done for days or years at a time, to not remember how you got somewhere. It's terrifying for me when I sleep walk and hide things from myself, or wake up in my garage. This would be so much worse, this is an entirely different level.
This is a book (and movie) that everyone should read sometime in their life. To see how Sybil has suffered through her terrible, torturous childhood, that affected her even as an adult, will really make you appreciate how great your life is. Honestly, most of our problems are very slight compared to what Sybil had to endure. Learning, and caring about someones struggles makes you grow, and being informed can help prevent things from happening. I think it's important for all of us to know the signs of abuse, so we can help those who are being abused and are not able to speak out against it.
According to, the traits that an abusive person has are:
Dominance: Hattie always had to be the center of attention, and she would do it however she needed to, often using her daughter.
Humiliation: One of Hattie's favorite acts was to let her feces go on other peoples lawns and yell swear words in public, this embarrassed Sybil very much.
Isolation: This was one of the biggest factors. Hattie was ALWAYS with Sybil, she didn't want Sybil telling anyone what was going on in their house, she told Sybil she couldn't hang out with her friends, and always said Sybil didn't love her when she wanted to go somewhere.
Threats: Threats were used frequently, and almost always followed through with.
Intimidation: Hattie was a big woman, and had physically hurt Sybil hundreds of times, she almost died on a few occasions. So was Sybil intimidated? Yes.
Denial and Blame: Hattie was very good at coming up with excuses, always blaming Sybil's injuries, on the neighbor boy, a playmate, or Sybil herself. She also always told Sybil that it was her fault she was being tortured, because she was a 'bad girl', she said if she didn't do it Sybil would go to hell. Even though Sybil rarely did something rebellious or bad.
I can't imagine how terrifying it would be to not remember what you've done for days or years at a time, to not remember how you got somewhere. It's terrifying for me when I sleep walk and hide things from myself, or wake up in my garage. This would be so much worse, this is an entirely different level.
This is a book (and movie) that everyone should read sometime in their life. To see how Sybil has suffered through her terrible, torturous childhood, that affected her even as an adult, will really make you appreciate how great your life is. Honestly, most of our problems are very slight compared to what Sybil had to endure. Learning, and caring about someones struggles makes you grow, and being informed can help prevent things from happening. I think it's important for all of us to know the signs of abuse, so we can help those who are being abused and are not able to speak out against it.
According to, the traits that an abusive person has are:
- Dominance – Abusive individuals need to feel in charge of the relationship. They will make decisions for you and the family, tell you what to do, and expect you to obey without question. Your abuser may treat you like a servant, child, or even as his or her possession.
Humiliation – An abuser will do everything he or she can to make you feel bad about yourself or defective in some way. After all, if you believe you're worthless and that no one else will want you, you're less likely to leave. Insults, name-calling, shaming, and public put-downs are all weapons of abuse designed to erode your self-esteem and make you feel powerless.
- Isolation – In order to increase your dependence on him or her, an abusive partner will cut you off from the outside world. He or she may keep you from seeing family or friends, or even prevent you from going to work or school. You may have to ask permission to do anything, go anywhere, or see anyone.
- Threats – Abusers commonly use threats to keep their partners from leaving or to scare them into dropping charges. Your abuser may threaten to hurt or kill you, your children, other family members, or even pets. He or she may also threaten to commit suicide, file false charges against you, or report you to child services.
- Intimidation – Your abuser may use a variety of intimidation tactics designed to scare you into submission. Such tactics include making threatening looks or gestures, smashing things in front of you, destroying property, hurting your pets, or putting weapons on display. The clear message is that if you don't obey, there will be violent consequences.
- Denial and blame – Abusers are very good at making excuses for the inexcusable. They will blame their abusive and violent behavior on a bad childhood, a bad day, and even on the victims of their abuse. Your abusive partner may minimize the abuse or deny that it occurred. He or she will commonly shift the responsibility on to you: Somehow, his or her violent and abusive behavior is your fault.
Dominance: Hattie always had to be the center of attention, and she would do it however she needed to, often using her daughter.
Humiliation: One of Hattie's favorite acts was to let her feces go on other peoples lawns and yell swear words in public, this embarrassed Sybil very much.
Isolation: This was one of the biggest factors. Hattie was ALWAYS with Sybil, she didn't want Sybil telling anyone what was going on in their house, she told Sybil she couldn't hang out with her friends, and always said Sybil didn't love her when she wanted to go somewhere.
Threats: Threats were used frequently, and almost always followed through with.
Intimidation: Hattie was a big woman, and had physically hurt Sybil hundreds of times, she almost died on a few occasions. So was Sybil intimidated? Yes.
Denial and Blame: Hattie was very good at coming up with excuses, always blaming Sybil's injuries, on the neighbor boy, a playmate, or Sybil herself. She also always told Sybil that it was her fault she was being tortured, because she was a 'bad girl', she said if she didn't do it Sybil would go to hell. Even though Sybil rarely did something rebellious or bad.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Aaron Carter
Here we go
Here we go
The name is AC
And I'm here to make it hot
I step into a room you could hear a pin drop
Now I know you know
I rocked alot of tunes
Ryhme so high, I fly ya to the moon
Don't try to take me out
I'm the one who beat Shaq
Said come and get it
and told you where it's at
9 o'clock on the dot
I partied down the block
I get my crew together
And I make a pit stop
Grab Kara, then Sara
Lisa, Mandy, and Tara
I got Jenny
Then Jessie
Now we're all chillin'
Jump On The Fizzy
Ain't nothing gonna break my stride
You know we're gonna hold it down
Well, we're gonna keep it movin'
Ain't noting but a good time
Yeah, we're gonna shout it loud
Well, we're gonna keep it movin'
Here we go
The name is AC
And I'm here to make it hot
I step into a room you could hear a pin drop
Now I know you know
I rocked alot of tunes
Ryhme so high, I fly ya to the moon
Don't try to take me out
I'm the one who beat Shaq
Said come and get it
and told you where it's at
9 o'clock on the dot
I partied down the block
I get my crew together
And I make a pit stop
Grab Kara, then Sara
Lisa, Mandy, and Tara
I got Jenny
Then Jessie
Now we're all chillin'
Jump On The Fizzy
Ain't nothing gonna break my stride
You know we're gonna hold it down
Well, we're gonna keep it movin'
Ain't noting but a good time
Yeah, we're gonna shout it loud
Well, we're gonna keep it movin'
Those were the epic lyrics of Jump On a Fizzy
Yes, Aaron Carter, the wanna be rapper that my neighborhood was obsessed with when we were little.
One of my neighbors had all of the lyrics memorized and could bust out in a hilarious rap.
If you haven't listened to Aaron for a while you should. It will make you laugh. Jump on a Fizzy.
I'll admit I had a major crush on Aaron Carter when I was just a wee little girl. I mean just look at his picture, any little girl would love his perfectness. The inside cover of one of his CD's pictured him swimming with dolphins, that just put him over the edge for me, ha ha.
And look at this one! Doesn't this just make him look like a fun loving boy.
Akward Eye Contact
Have you ever been walking in a hallway, and see someone you know? Okay that was dumb question. I'm sure that happens to everyone on a daily basis. If you're like me, you wave or smile at people you know, but not everyone is like that, and it can lead to an awkward situation.
Awkward Situation One: You are walking down the hallway, you see one of your good friends, you make eye contact, you wave frantically and yell their name. They seem to be in your own little world, and don't notice you. Now you look like an idiot/ loser. People are now looking at you, because you were waving your arms like a lunatic and yelling. Now if that person would have noticed you, and been all freaky back at you, the two of you would look like to coolest people in the hallway. Everyone would be jealous of your amazing coolness (Okay maybe not but you get the point). Anyway if they would have noticed you would be okay. But they didn't. You now grumble to yourself "fine don't look at me," and now you look insane for talking to yourself.
Awkward Situation Two: You're at work, and you pass someone you work with, they look at you, you smile, they look away and keep walking. You say to yourself "Thanks for snubbing me. Jerk."
Awkward Situation Three: Bathroom eye contact. You are washing your hands, and look up to check yourself out in the mirror, you make eye contact with someone else who is also looking in the mirror, you don't say anything or smile, and you hurry up to get out of the bathroom. I would be willing to bet eye contact in the Men's Restroom would be more awkward, for the obvious reasons.
Awkward Situation Four: You make contact with a random stranger. You try to smile, but it comes out more as a straight, tight lipped grimace.
I really like old people.
That may seem completely off topic, but, really, it's not. Because old people almost always make eye contact and give you a genuine smile. Those toothless grins brighten your day. Everyone should be like an old person. Old people are less concerned with what they have, but with the people they're with.
Awkward Situation One: You are walking down the hallway, you see one of your good friends, you make eye contact, you wave frantically and yell their name. They seem to be in your own little world, and don't notice you. Now you look like an idiot/ loser. People are now looking at you, because you were waving your arms like a lunatic and yelling. Now if that person would have noticed you, and been all freaky back at you, the two of you would look like to coolest people in the hallway. Everyone would be jealous of your amazing coolness (Okay maybe not but you get the point). Anyway if they would have noticed you would be okay. But they didn't. You now grumble to yourself "fine don't look at me," and now you look insane for talking to yourself.
Awkward Situation Two: You're at work, and you pass someone you work with, they look at you, you smile, they look away and keep walking. You say to yourself "Thanks for snubbing me. Jerk."
Awkward Situation Three: Bathroom eye contact. You are washing your hands, and look up to check yourself out in the mirror, you make eye contact with someone else who is also looking in the mirror, you don't say anything or smile, and you hurry up to get out of the bathroom. I would be willing to bet eye contact in the Men's Restroom would be more awkward, for the obvious reasons.
Awkward Situation Four: You make contact with a random stranger. You try to smile, but it comes out more as a straight, tight lipped grimace.
I really like old people.
That may seem completely off topic, but, really, it's not. Because old people almost always make eye contact and give you a genuine smile. Those toothless grins brighten your day. Everyone should be like an old person. Old people are less concerned with what they have, but with the people they're with.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Why does being famous take people down the wrong path?
Bruno Mars was caught doing drugs (possibly cocaine) at the Hard Rock Cafe in Las Vegas. One of my previous posts was about how awesome Bruno Mars was, and how I liked him because he was clean cut and talented. Now I hear this nonsense about drugs and it makes me wonder, why? So many people have gone off the deep end, lets hope Bruno Mars can clean up and continue to be the awesome person he once was. When I talk about someone going of the deep end, I'm not just talking about drugs. I'm talking about Miley Cyrus turning into a slut, and all the cheating going on with celebrities, Britney Spears going physco for a little bit. Why celebrities think that because they're famous they don't have to be stand up people is beyond me. Actually they have more responsibility to be good people, because they are in the public eye. Honestly most of them aren't doing a very good job.
Rather than give you more examples of people who are terrible and don't deserve to be in the public eye making tons of money, I'll give you an example of a truly amazing person. Ellen DeGeneres. Not only does she brighten peoples day with (mostly) clean humor, she is an advocate against bullying, and other good causes. She sets a good example for the entire world, by quitting smoking and sticking to it. If everyone was like Ellen it would be a perfect world.
Rather than give you more examples of people who are terrible and don't deserve to be in the public eye making tons of money, I'll give you an example of a truly amazing person. Ellen DeGeneres. Not only does she brighten peoples day with (mostly) clean humor, she is an advocate against bullying, and other good causes. She sets a good example for the entire world, by quitting smoking and sticking to it. If everyone was like Ellen it would be a perfect world.
Whenever I think of the word 'procrastinate' my mind automatically jumps to the skit on the Amanda Show that I used to watch when I was a kid. "I'll get to it... eventually" now this seems to be the motto of the entire teenage population. Now I swear, that I am not a procrastinator, although I keep forgetting about these blog posts, arg, which leads me to be writing 800 words on a Sunday morning. (Hey at least I didn't wait until Sunday night). It is days like this that I am glad that I am an endless pit of words. (I mean, I talk a LOT, you couldn't get me to shut up if you tried.) But anyway back to procrastination. There are many causes of procrastination. Show Choir Practice, Band Practice, TV shows, Jobs, and the Internet.
1. One of the leading causes of Procrastination is (that is if you are a huge nerd that love Harry Potter and despises Twilight.)
This site includes posts like:
Today, I was looking in my college book for some info about schools. I came across an interesting one, and it said that 47% of their students are male, 50% female. I'm confused as to what the other 3% might be. MLIA.
Today, in class we were listing names of jobs that start with "W". Kids began listing of things such as Waiter, writer, weightlifter, and water boy. One kid raised his hand and said whore. It's always the quiet kids. MLIA
Today, I made a joke about blondes. There was a blonde there. No one cared. MLIA
So basically just useless stories, but everyday thousands of teenagers get sucked into the black hole that is MLIA. There are even multiple stories about procrastinating on MLIA.
2. YouTube is also a culprit. With so many random funny videos out there it's hard not to get sucked in. Imagine this scenario: You're working on a HUGE paper, it's half of your final grade. Someone sends you a link to Nick Pitera's version of A Whole New World , you are totally amazed by the beastliness of his voice, and you begin watching some of the related videos on the left side of the YouTube screen, soon you are in love with Nick Pitera and are watching every possible video you can find of him. Sound familiar? I though so.
Along with that time sucking video, are others such as:
Got Dat Applesauce - Yes this video is pretty stupid, but it makes me laugh. Whatever possessed someone to make this video, I have no idea.
I would post some other time sucking videos, but I don't want to get stuck on YouTube.
3. Jobs are one of the worst. I'm one of the lucky ones who has a job that I love with flexible hours, but many people I know work at Hyvee. Hyvee claims to be flexible, but teenagers are stuck working 4 to 10. How someone is supposed to get their homework done is beyond me. That leaves between 2:45 and 4 to get homework done, and then after 10, plus drive time, and meals. That is just ridiculous.
4. Sports, Clubs and activities. I don't think I need to elaborate on this.
5. Work load. How is someone supposed to stay ahead on things when they have so much homework that they can barely, or not even, get all the homework done for the next day. Taking multiple AP classes definately takes a toll on the amount of time a student has to spend studying and getting ahead.
1. One of the leading causes of Procrastination is (that is if you are a huge nerd that love Harry Potter and despises Twilight.)
This site includes posts like:
Today, I was looking in my college book for some info about schools. I came across an interesting one, and it said that 47% of their students are male, 50% female. I'm confused as to what the other 3% might be. MLIA.
Today, in class we were listing names of jobs that start with "W". Kids began listing of things such as Waiter, writer, weightlifter, and water boy. One kid raised his hand and said whore. It's always the quiet kids. MLIA
Today, I made a joke about blondes. There was a blonde there. No one cared. MLIA
So basically just useless stories, but everyday thousands of teenagers get sucked into the black hole that is MLIA. There are even multiple stories about procrastinating on MLIA.
2. YouTube is also a culprit. With so many random funny videos out there it's hard not to get sucked in. Imagine this scenario: You're working on a HUGE paper, it's half of your final grade. Someone sends you a link to Nick Pitera's version of A Whole New World , you are totally amazed by the beastliness of his voice, and you begin watching some of the related videos on the left side of the YouTube screen, soon you are in love with Nick Pitera and are watching every possible video you can find of him. Sound familiar? I though so.
Along with that time sucking video, are others such as:
Got Dat Applesauce - Yes this video is pretty stupid, but it makes me laugh. Whatever possessed someone to make this video, I have no idea.
I would post some other time sucking videos, but I don't want to get stuck on YouTube.
3. Jobs are one of the worst. I'm one of the lucky ones who has a job that I love with flexible hours, but many people I know work at Hyvee. Hyvee claims to be flexible, but teenagers are stuck working 4 to 10. How someone is supposed to get their homework done is beyond me. That leaves between 2:45 and 4 to get homework done, and then after 10, plus drive time, and meals. That is just ridiculous.
4. Sports, Clubs and activities. I don't think I need to elaborate on this.
5. Work load. How is someone supposed to stay ahead on things when they have so much homework that they can barely, or not even, get all the homework done for the next day. Taking multiple AP classes definately takes a toll on the amount of time a student has to spend studying and getting ahead.
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