I’m sort of diverging from my original topic here, but I would like to talk a little about my pet peeves.
1. The ‘I’ key on this keyboard. The key is missing so there is just a little white nub that feels off when you try to type.
2. The word there, or their, or they’re. I always use the wrong one.
3. When people ask me what I’m thinking. Honestly I can’t help what I’m thinking, so if I’m thinking about how ugly you are, you obviously don’t want to know that, and I don’t want to tell you that. (Not that you’re ugly or anything).
4. When people go on and on about how smart they are. “I’m so good at this homework I’m not doing it until right now, I mean I’m just so beastly, I can do this with my eyes closed.” Ten minutes later. “Dude can you help me with this”
5. You dirty little mutt. My sister has taken to saying this phrase every five seconds in the last twenty four hours. Obviously it gets on my nerves.
6. The word believe. I spell it wrong every time!
7. When people change their facebook photo too often. Or their photo doesn’t show their face. Or is a picture of a car.
8. When people complain ALL the time, which is funny because what I’m doing right now is essentially complaining.
9. Homework
10. When people don’t know that Michael Jackson is dead, or they post a list of my ‘Criminal Activities’ on the internet. (For the record I do not participate in criminal activities, except maybe for the occasional J-walking. Although most of the time I stick to the crosswalk).